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Flamethrower Tower feels like a support tower

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Currently, the Flamethrower Tower, which should be a damage tower, feels like a support tower. Its damage output simply does not matter by the time you hit the last 10 levels, and its the AOE on its explosion ability is a little too small (3). I feel the AOE on that ability needs to be buffed to at least 4 and the tower overall needs a damage boost. I tried mixing it with Haste Towers to see if it'd work better, and I found it better just to spam nothing but Haste Towers even against Image rounds.

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Honestly, I think regardless of what we do it will always feel like a support tower. That is because the main source of damage is dependent on an event external to the tower (death of a creep). I agree this is not optimal. Ability probably needs to be reworked entirely.

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Mucho better. Still find it odd that the visual of the explosion is twice the size of the actual AoE though. But it does seem fairly balanced now (then again, that's only with one game, can't really say for sure). Thanks.

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