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Should I feel bad?

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Should I feel guilty about inputting a mode that nobody wants/likes? Such as perhaps SM, or VH, or even SR? I mean I do try to tell everyone in the game lobby about the modes I'll be putting in, and it's Battle.net 0.2's fault that I can't make game titles about the modes I will be selecting. Most of my games are VHSR, but soon I'll probably be doing SM once I get used to the early waves, and potentially Extra Short. Once I begin to do that, I can imagine people complaining even more about the creeps not starting at lvl 1. I already get roughly half the players in my games who refuse to play on very hard, or probably just leave because they sense the lvl1 creeps are harder than normal and leave right off the bat.

What're your thoughts about this? I get a lot of complaints about VHSR. A couple leaving before the first wave even starts. I say if they want a specific mode so badly, they should host their own games like what I've done...

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I don't think it's necessary to force VH on everyone. We've taken a lot of steps to make mixed games more balanced. The true fun of VH comes when you have other people who know what they are doing. As for the other modes, tough shit for them.

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I don't think it's necessary to force VH on everyone. We've taken a lot of steps to make mixed games more balanced. The true fun of VH comes when you have other people who know what they are doing. As for the other modes, tough shit for them.

being host and forcing VH is one way to lessen people speeding up your waves. xp

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