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Mouseover Icons

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New players dont really know what all those icons mean. There are a ton of icons too.

In the main collapsible info box, with the timer, interest, lives, wave info, etc.

Make the icons for wave info show a tooltip when moused-over.

Took me a while to figrue out what the elemental icons were. I can vouch for its helpfulness, if it were to be implemented.

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I don't know if this is possible to implement. If it is, I'm all for it. I will check it out.

i think i saw an example of it being possible in the map starbattle. they have mouseovering within boxes.

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Good point. I remember that too now (used to love that map).

lol, i "used to" as well. =]

it feels like a clunky dota, where positioning and movement strategies are very limite if u play at a competetive level.

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Heh, I was about to suggest this very thing. I still don't have the icons memorized, and the mouse-over would help very much. I feel am at a big disadvantage not knowing what type of wave is coming since I don't know what the icons mean :(

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Heh, I was about to suggest this very thing. I still don't have the icons memorized, and the mouse-over would help very much. I feel am at a big disadvantage not knowing what type of wave is coming since I don't know what the icons mean :(

we think alike eh =]

i really dont htink it would be that hard to recognize icons if they were used more consistently. all the upgrades on the elemental tower keep changing. if the light icon stayed as the same light icon earth, fire, etc, and simply distinguish with numbers, then it would be very quick to catch on to.

they didn't like that suggestion tho. i still think there's too many icons.

Another problem is that the icons for the creep abilities aren't stated either. Even if you click the creep itself. we should have this.

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