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Napalm 2.0

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You'll notice the current Napalm ability works by applying a dummy ability to the creep(s) damaged by the tower. The level of this ability ranges from 1-8 depending on the level of support buff and the tier that the tower is. When a creep dies it explodes for a certain amount of damage depending on the level of the dummy ability. The dummy ability is removed after a certain duration (unit "cools" off).

I'm looking to remake this ability. I'd like to move away from dummy abilities altogether (crude method) and also I'd like to make it stackable. I propose something like this,

When a tower with Napalm damages a unit, it adds a Napalm counter/marker to it. Each counter is automatically (and individually) removed after a certain duration. When a unit dies it deals damage equal to X*# of counters. If a Flamespewer (tier 2) damages a creep with Flamethrower counters, the Flamethrower counters are reset and instead Flamespewer counters get incremented. If a Flamethrower (tier 1) damages a creep with Flamespewer counters, nothing happens. To represent the number of counters a creep has (so player can see how much damage this guy is going to explode for) perhaps the creep should be shaded more and more red as counters increment.

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But then flamesweeper and flamethrower wouldn't stack.

Just base them on the same counter but flamesweeper adds 5 counters instead of 1.

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Just base them on the same counter but flamesweeper adds 5 counters instead of 1.

Good point. I'd also recommend the counters being given in real numbers instead of integers. That way the support buff Fire Up (15%/30%/150%) can be applied. Essentially if the tower has a level of the buff than the counters it adds per attack should be multiplied by the appropriate amount.

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ah, another good point :P

And a unit life is also counted in real numbers right? So you don't have to turn it back to integer.

P.S. chain reactions were cool....

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I changed it so that it calls the effect on units within 150 range of the primary damaged unit (it is a splash damage tower after all). I also made the tinting more pronounced.

Did I do this right? If so, it's done!


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