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Fleshgolems on path - moving!

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I sometimes can get the flesh golems on path, in moving condition. it is very weird and unpredictable. if they're attacking a unit and nothing else is in range, he follows it (the regular auto walk). someties he autosells after having walked for maybe 5 seconds - weird. sometimes I can click the golem to move, but mosttimes it sells, and even if I manage to force it to move it might sell next time I do so. I find it hard to reproduced but I managed to get 3 replays featuring this bug. and yes, they can block the creeps, so far not a complete block but they have to walk around my golems.

can anyone else reproduce/abuse this?

1e moving golems on path.w3g

1e moved golem 2.w3g

1e golems move on path 3.w3g

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soyamilks already reported some of that already :) it's on the "4.1" topic if I remembered correctly

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ah, you're right. I didn't have time to change directories and stuff so hadn't watched his reps, and then forgot em.. gonna watch em after food :)

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