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Mouseover attackicon date

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if you hold your cursor over the attackicon (not attack button) of a tower you get to know the range 1100 the attackspeed fast (veryfast green when buffed by well) etc.

does anybody know how to change that data? to replace the worthless wc3 calculation "hey - darkness tower has attackspeed fast, great tip for teh beginners... not" into Attackspeed: 1.5 and add in there perhaps AoE: 150 Full/300 Half.

attachment picture shows what i am complaining about.


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The speed settings such as Very Slow, Fast, Very Fast, etc are defined by game interface constants, they can't be changed while the game is running. There's also a single constant used for all the "Fast" attack and movement speeds, so you can't customize it for each unit. Due to this, your idea isn't possible.

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Wrong, he can't use the idea because he can not change the set values for thoose, example (made up numbers) If very fast = text1 text 1 will always be if the attackspeed is lower then 1,0 cooldown. And text2 will always be used between 1,0-1,5. The only thing you can change is the text itself. (thus, you could change fast attackspeed to medium or something, and very fast to just fast)

We woulnd't want to change the names ingame....

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You said you can't customize it for each unit, and that you can't change the game interface constants ingame.

Well, I understood what you meant. But it sounded more like you can change it but only for all units, which is not possible either.

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