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23 not an RC

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Sry to say but dp still bugs around. if I'm player 6 (dunno about the others) I don't get to vote at all.

sometimes the element pick phase doesn't start at all.

if you don't pick all elements within 15 sec One element gets randomed, but that is not neough for the game to start, so the pick turn gets stuck at player one and he gets to pick again and again until there is nothing more to pick. one has to spend all 15 element picks within 15 seconds if the game should start, else nothing gets randomized and the picking continues timer restarts. 15 new picks.

the picking layout still looks baad imo, dp should wait for 4.1, or should I put it this way, 4.0 shouldn't wait for DP.

when we played draft and I was player 6 I noticed that the player 6 summoning center problem still exists, just like a few other problems still existing, like building on path (terrain bug) player i upper area / destroys towers, and something more I cna't remember - to be added up later. I'm sure everyone agrees that 23 is not an RC, and if we shall release asap it'd be good to output a beta 23b with the bugfixes since we will need a week or so to test the final thing before release.

Edit: Tested in SP- not as buggy as MP.

I get 15 sec to spend all my elemental picks - even though there are 15 picks to spend in sp. same for 2 players 15 sec for 7 picks each. the time should be depending on how many eles you are going to select (how many players in game)

after the 15 sec run out the timer restarts, and I may finish my picks even if I'm too slow - where is the randomization? If I finish the rest of my picks for a total of 15 in the 2nd or later loop of the timer the game starts (this is only in singleplayer, in multiplayer I need 15 new picks for the game to start, even if there might not be 15 eles left to choose from)

seconds to choose eles should be a+bx a dn be being constant and x being number of picks. maybe 12+3x for 15sec for one pick(8 players) and 57 sec for 15 picks. If it becomes a big deal make the host able to decide between fast and slow timers.

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Sounds like I will probably be cutting out Draft Pick for 4.0. In that case, everyone hurry up, go, go, go, and give all your feedback for everything but Draft Pick. I think it is time we get this map out!

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Guest Void

I don't want to be a bitch or anything, but wasn't I going to get a peon in the middle? :P

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I don't want to be a bitch or anything, but wasn't I going to get a peon in the middle? :P

No, that wasn't the intention. If you see who is in the middle now, each of those people have easily put in over 100+ hours (probably a lot more actually). You are in the credits though, and rather high up.

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