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Every splash and ST tower same damage Discussion

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Added by jolin012: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1447 M45T3R":2laot1y8+-->

("in the thread viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1447 M45T3R":2laot1y8)
Make every splash tower do the same DPS/area, and every single damage tower do the same DPS/unit. i.e. Windstorm should do the same amount of damage as nova because they both have 700 range.

Master, I don't think it's that simple. Range is a big factor for both splash and single target. Also, towers like impulse and laser have variable damage. If all splash towers had the same aoe and same damage, wouldn't that make the game boring? The basic elemental towers are defined by their different splash areas and ranges.

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Guest Sancdar

He's suggesting that damage be strictly proportional to area or range. I don't agree with this because special abilities influence things significantly, and long-range towers' range advantage is offset by the amount of time they need to maximize their damage output.

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Guest Void
Make every splash tower do the same DPS/area, and every single damage tower do the same DPS/unit. i.e. Windstorm should do the same amount of damage as nova because they both have 700 range.

Two reasons we can't do that.

1. Towers with special abilities.

2. Range

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Guest M45T3R
Make every splash tower do the same DPS/area, and every single damage tower do the same DPS/unit. i.e. Windstorm should do the same amount of damage as nova because they both have 700 range.

Two reasons we can't do that.

1. Towers with special abilities.

2. Range

1. Which is why I specified plain splash towers only (i.e. nova, windstorm, corrosion...).

2. Which is why I gave an example of two towers that have the same range.

Guess the post was not clear enough

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There is a reason behind windstorm being weaker. the reason is that windstorm can be microed, for almost double damage. and corrosion is supposed to deal about as much damage as nova, so I do not see the problem there, but still, 13est said this was not a discussion thread, so how about a split topic to restore some order? :)

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