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Guest Sancdar

Earth Armor Priority

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Guest Sancdar

Another bug that still exists in the latest betas, earth armor's priority. Towers normally choose the creep closest to them when they acquire new targets. They skip earth creeps. I think this is one of the reasons that so many people think earth creeps are overpowered, because even with leak-catching placement of towers you have to micro or you won't attack the leaks. It's been two years, and the fix might be tedious but it's an easy one that we have already discussed how to do. Why hasn't this been changed yet?

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This is by faar the most anoying bug, and altough it has reported ALOT of times, it have never been fixed.

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not sure if related but has anyone else seen when upgarding a water tower (especially) to amplified water, sometimes a earth tower model appears for a second..

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Guest Sancdar

Yeah, I've seen a few different towers with odd models popping in quickly when upgrading. I doubt it's related.

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its because somehow the darkness, earth, water, fire and light.

use the same base model, and theese are just additional to the base model.

Like the troll headhunter, it uses an alternate model inside itself.

It is the same with these models, but they have 4-5 different "alternate" models. So when it uppgrade it uses the base model, but quickly change to the set model on "alternate names" (or what it's called, don't know it in my head)

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related to this thread could the the irc discussion some days ago:

[20:53] jolin012: like when will earth armor get same priority as the otehrs?:P

[20:53] Sancdar: oh yeah

[20:53] jolin012: as far as i understood from 13est it should be possible:P

[20:53] Karawasa: it is

[20:53] Karawasa: but a major pain in the ass

[20:54] Sancdar: i thought you just had to switch elemental armor with earth armor

[20:54] Karawasa: no

[20:54] Karawasa: because

[20:54] Karawasa: well yes that is what you're doing

[20:54] Karawasa: but there is a lot involved

[20:54] Karawasa: think of the damage tables

[20:54] Karawasa: that have to be reworked

[20:54] Karawasa: and all the creeps

[20:54] Karawasa: towers

[20:55] Sancdar: you switch two columns for damage table

[20:55] Sancdar: and change armor type on every wave that has it

[20:55] Sancdar: towers don't need to change at all

[20:55] Sancdar: because you are adjusting the numbers on the damage type

[20:55] Karawasa: wait hmm

[20:55] Sancdar: oh wait

[20:55] Sancdar: towers do need to change

[20:55] Karawasa: yup

[20:55] Sancdar: because you have to switch all their armor types

[20:56] Sancdar: but still not that big a deal and it's been unresolved issue for two years

[20:56] Sancdar: :\

[20:56] Karawasa: hmm

[20:56] Cisz-b-net: agreed

not sure if related but has anyone else seen when upgarding a water tower (especially) to amplified water, sometimes a earth tower model appears for a second..
ahh, ya, seen many times before. I see no reason why it'd be related to armor priority, and i doubt this tower model bug can be fixed, but it is rare to appear and doesn't bother me much.

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