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Guest Sancdar

Mass Windstorm!

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Guest Sancdar

This is probably the most ridiculous strategy I've ever seen. Thanks to an earlier game with Stif_meister, I learned that tornado damage stacks! Clearly, this needed to be explored.

The only requirement for this build is that you have something to catch the few creeps that your tornado alley will leak. Ice will work for this, but any of the ST elements' focused towers should take care of it at least as well. Light2+ is probably your best bet, since you need it for Monsoon anyway.

I stop playing hard like halfway through the game, because I see the 6-ele build coming and the Windstorms had already been shown off. So...only 32 ronalds. Also note that my WS placement is pretty terrible, they ought to go on 7 or even 5 to avoid spawning on the wrong side.

edit: because certain people are confused, I'd like to point out that the one with the version and description of the replay is, in fact, the replay file, and not the map file. Also you can probably rename your correct copy of the map instead of downloading this one.

1.22 EleTD 4.0PB Sancdar mass windstorm.w3g

Element TD 4.0 Public Beta(.w3x

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It was known before that the damage of the slows stacked but not the slow itself..

mass windstorm was played before in randOOm.. but doing something non-standard/"against the normal way of playing" that works out is always fun..

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Guest Sancdar

I didn't know it worked, and I thought Roots didn't either.

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Guest Sancdar

I don't know, I kind of doubt it does. I guess I should have known about WS but it's not like many custom maps use tornadoes offensively.

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