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Guest Vigi-

Yes I agree, dark blue text is hard to read as it camouflages with the grey background.

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I don't appreciate this new junk on the builder that aren't even commands. It's all very overwhelming, and besides, there's a place for informational material: the quests menu.

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The problem is that no one really checks the quests menu. The command list ability goes well on the builder, seeing how it is informational like the rest of the abilities. The website ad of course doesn't, but if people notice it and realize we have a community here then it was worth it.

Now to partially alleviate your concerns, I could make the command list and website ad abilities have passive icons. Would that help at all?

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Move that icon to the empty attack icon.

Because that looks really strange.

Also I didn't find any trouble looking at the gray text, but the blue was to much blue. Got kinda blurry. Increase the green and red by a little.

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> You can keep the ad in the empty attack icon

> Get rid of the hint, nobody ever looks at it

> Get rid of the command list, and instead, create a command (-commands or -list) that shows the list of commands and tell people about its existence at the beginning of the game

> As for the spell bringer camera toggle, there's other solutions. (Give it a hero icon!)

Now it is sufficiently uncluttered.

[pre:3orqxvwv]Move | Stop | Hold | Ad


Patrol | | |


Build | Duals | Triples | Query[/pre:3orqxvwv]

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It is better to just have a random hint or something wich can be turned off.

I have seen the hints, but it seems they don't help alot. Such hints that were in island td if you played it were great. (how come none plays island td anymroe?)

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