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Guest DeathDota

Please Look at my suggestions(Hope no offense to anyone)

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Guest DeathDota

I have a few suggestion for element TD since I have been playing for quite a while.

-Firstly, there are no computer in this game and this sometime make it hard for players to play the game because it is no longer challenging and the game is quite bored.(unable to find people to play with you all the times)

-secondly, element tower , such as , fire and water, they are quite weak when we first use them , as compared to other type of towers , such as , dark , earth , light and nature. These towers are much more powerful than the other towers(fire and water)

-Thirdly , I remember one of the version , there are Hero that we can use , which I find it quite fun to play with . However, the hero`s skills of all element are not the same , it make the game not fair . <<< to this , I hope we can make the hero`s skill the same and hope that the hero function is back one day.

-Lastly , I hope that the suggestions above do not cause much of a trouble or offense to anyone. :D:D


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that is no offence and no trouble, but I'm not quite sure I'm agreed with you.

Water and fire are weaker? We are currently balancing them to all be qually good :) and as i remember it, at least fire was really strongin 4.0 pb.

Computer players for custom mapis not a bad idea but would need custom AI right? I'm not quite sure how hard it'd be but i guess very very hard, to code that is.

heroes got axed yes, but the hero mode might be back one day, i mean, no real plans on it, but anything may happen :) . one of the reasons was because it was hard to have them balanced without having the same abilities, and even though you like balance and like them to have same spells, most won't find it worth to sacrifice originality of spells for balance of heroes. and having different spellsstill balanced would be too much work for now.

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Guest DeathDota

Water and Fire Tower , when I first build it , it cant help me at all. However, for Dark and light tower , it help me quite a lot , due to their high range and :mrgreen: damage.

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but dark/light are not stronger. they are just easier to play. and they work well in singleplayer or very easy. if you for real, multiplayer veryhard, your light towers will easily get rushed by fire tower.

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Or a bit more detailed:

-Light: 76 every .66 seconds, or 115 per second.

-Dark: 173 every 1.5 seconds, or 115 per second.

-Earth: 60 every second, but it hits several targets at once.

So try for yourself: If the total damage of earth per hit is greater than 115, dark and light are weaker. For earth to do that much damage, it would be enough to hit one creep for 60 and the two neighbouring creeps for 30 each (60 + 30 + 30 = 120).

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