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Map crashes after several hours

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I guess there is somewhere a memory leak :)

Already talkes a bit about that with karawasa.

Maybe you should move that thread to bugreports?

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Guest Jacob

It could have either been coincidence, it might have had to do with the ronalds kill count wich came to a max cap. you might have made a lot of slowing towers wich resulted in to many ronalds filling the screen thus crashing your game.

If its a common script bug / memory leak, most often the game doesnt crash like that, it will either run slow or get delay / lag when playn over battlenet, thats just what my common sense tells me but im not sure.

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Jakob - Let me reming you that there are never more than 30 ronalds on the map. And I did 72.000 ronalds on the 3.0, so it's probably not the counter either. ;)

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