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Everything posted by Ghan_04

  1. Ghan_04

    Talking Trophies

    I'm pretty sure that's impossible. The closest you can get to that might be a Game Cache or possibly a bot such as the one used with DOTA. I don't know how to do any of that, though.
  2. Ghan_04

    Talking Trophies

    Sounds like a great idea, but, of course, players will eventually read every comment and get bored with it after a while.
  3. Ghan_04

    Ronald Level

    Does anyone think the the Ronald level is pretty dumb? In my opinion, if you win, you should win, not left to be defeated by a bunch of immortal clowns. I think that definitely decreased the value of the previous versions. What do you think?
  4. Having the tornado just be a flying unit doesn't make sense. It would try to wander off of the path and up onto the ledges. At the speed it moves, it's unlikely it would make it across a path with enough time to slow anyone, anyway. A better thing might be to make the ledges thicker so that the tower couldn't cast the tornado on the wrong side even if it wanted to because it would be out of range.
  5. I think that having the new system is more realistic. I theory, interest is earned continuously over time, but only credited at a single point in time to reduce confusion. So taking an average is the way to go. Keep in mind, selling towers before the 15th second still has an effect, just not as large.
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