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Posts posted by 0rb3r

  1. It would be nice to make an official thread with records for each build:

    Actually I hoped once the ladder system is working, each one of us gets an account on this site where we can in ex. see how good we play each build and get some nice personal statistics and overall statistics.

    Btw, no-leak means that you didn't leak even once, not that you finish with 50+ lives. (i'm getting off-topic i know...)

    @1mpulse: I'm on my exams, estimated time of being back in action: early march. I'm just posting in the forum atm, no games no irc.

  2. even i can finish vh no leak with gold towers then you feel oddly empty inside at the end

    Wow, I didn't know it would be that depressing.

    Long answer:

    Er, well, due to... er... aparent risk of mental integrity avoid playing gold tower or at least make sure to have anxiolithics and prozac at hand, just in case you discover true meaning of darkness... somehow.

    Short answer:

    Don't go for gold. Bad idea = Sucks = ...

  3. Yep

    Try gold instead.

    I mean, you can go dwarven style (first arrows, then gold, gold, gold..., no other towers, recommended locations 3 & 4).

    If boringness does not kills you, ronald does.

    It is not like going for gold is cheating but... it is boring and not exactly a good option for multiplayer. Go ahead, go for gold. Enjoy.

  4. There have been many topics about implementing half-random modes, things that solo-players would definately love.

    Atm, the more suitable ideas are a draft mode and a random build mode.

    Your idea is good electronX, but is far too complex. I had myself similar ideas but after thinking twice about it i think it is preferable to have 1 or 2 good demirandom modes then to choose between several complicated options.

    I would honestly prefer that if the game detects a solo-game, the "samerandom"- option and the "allrandom"- option is exchanged by "random build"- option and by a "full random"- option.

    I'm saying this because i'm quite sure that a mode for solo that gives you a build (4 or 5 element build), is necessary and enough to cover most of our wishes a simple way, without getting nor repetitive nor useless. All of those probability calculations just make you have a game that could have happened as well on random, and probably is not what you wanted; and if the probability is too high it becomes like choosing the elements yourself, then there wouldnt be much of a point going for random else then to get the 100% selling and micro the whole game.

    I think that an option to randomize a build is enough and prevents you from getting crappy builds or impossible games (if that is what you want and don't like full random).

  5. The no-spawn bug appears once each 20-30 games, I played 50+ tests and just got it twice. There was a Undead-wave bug which i am excluding of this review, because it is solved and because I didn't got that bug even once.

    If you would have got the bug you would notice, when the last creep of a wave dies, the multiboard runs like if some creeps are still alive and the next wave won't start. I think to remember that even the -level chatcode stops working. The bug somehow disables the wave starting triggers (or something like that). :roll:

    I have been watching closely to my replays and jolin012's replay. There is no way to tell if it is a certain creep type or tower responsible for making it appear or not, i tried to discart towers, no way. There is not a single tower appearing on all 3 replays, shooting at the moment the bug ocurred (basically doing the last hit) or having its effects lasting.

    The only common thing I noticed is that it seems to appear more likely on 5 or 6 element builds with tons of towers and graphic effects, specially with many diverse towers.

    My suspicion is that it is somehow related to multiple effect creation on wc3 engine (i got no clue on programing, so my word does not really counts on this matter). Anyways, if this would be the case it would be almost logical that it is more likely to appear on full multiplayergames (more players) and more on random (-ar, -sr) games.

    So, in worst case scenario we may have a bug appearing all 12-15 full house b-net games on random. Most tests runned by testers are for obvious reasons in solo or with a low player amount, if the game is public released with such a bug it would be really troublesome.

    This is more a concern then a proved reality, so the actual scenario is probably not so bad, but still reason to think about.

  6. @ Offtopic: If it is about posting random numbers here I could post a few as well. (Irony) We just give the builder 60 hp, make him loose 1 hp per wave and die painfully on wave 61 :twisted: .

    (this post is a joke, don't answer it and let's stop posting random numbers for the sake of it, back ontopic plz)

  7. LightningLord, there is no rmk function right now. We are talking about implementing it. That's why we are wondering about your comments, I suppose then you would agree to a remake function, would you?

    And what I am suggesting is that players get on death a dialog box to vote if they are interested in a auto-rmk or not, in which case they can stay and watch or just leave.

    This would at least prevent ppl from leave right away as it substracts a bit the "game over" effect, being both, informative to you (that the game has not fully ended for you) and to others (collecting a vote to let others know your intention to stay / leave).

    And it is a multiplayer feature more then a solo feature, If you find 2 good players on a public game you can ask them to stay. Besides, I doubt this feature would bother anyone, only benefits in sight range.

  8. Looks like lupus can be excluded after all...

    Er, well, let's imagine, just imagine, there could be a "insignificant" probability that this "insignificant" abomination of bug does not gets solved or "insignificantly" makes it somehow to the public beta without in first instance we noticing, like it looks cured but is still lurking somewhere and infiltrates our games from time to time.

    Wouldn't it be an "insignificantly" good idea to program some kind of backdoor for the next wave timer. I mean something like a second counter, like: From the point on wave N starts, if after 90 secs. timer for wave N+1 has not started it will force wave N+1 after the typical between round delay. Just in case, you know.

    N be any natural number from 1 to 60.

    I mean, its better to start late then not make it to the end, right? :wink:


    Dr. HOUSE

  9. The rmk-idea is quite good. As for premature leavers i think i know a solution.

    Imagine that each player that dies has the choice to vote if he wants a remake or not. A dialog box i.ex. No=Die and Leave, Yes=Wait

    Now, as soon as only 1 player is still alive, the only survivor can choose:

    1) Leave, which restarts the game for all other players that voted Yes

    2) Finish his game and revote

    3) Restart with all players that voted a remake

    I know lot of players that finish the game as soon as they are the only survivor, and it would surely be nice to restart with 1 or 2 good players instead of recreating the whole game.

    With a dialog box everybody would know that it is possible to rmk and you can let other ppl know that you are interested in rmk. Like showing his vote on the multiboard; in ex.:

    Player 1 (playing)

    Player 2/scooled (no rmk, just watching)

    Player 3/waiting for rmk


    Player 5/waiting for rmk


    Player 7 (playing)

    Player 8/scooled (no rmk, just watching)

  10. Yep, I agree, the new lightning tower is really awesome.

    It brakes all rules of the physics we know and lets the relativity theory look like childdrawings.

    Welcome to the community LightningLord. Nice to meet you.

  11. You didn't expected to master it right away, did you? :D

    Try this:

    -Keep the "shift"-key pressed while you order the builder to build, to build many towers at once

    -If you double click buildings or use the "Crtl"-key when clicking a building, you will select all buildings of the same type. (Good for selling)

    -If you press "Alt"-key, you can see the energy bar of the creeps and guess if you have enough towers or you will leak

    -Use hotkeys

    -Practice on a lower difficulty the first 20 waves

    -Memorize how much towers are needed to kill almost all creeps of a wave

    -Practice, practice, practice and one day you may beat everyone here :wink:

  12. Competitive mode:

    The spell casting tower should be somewhere close to the summoning center, it makes waste too much time in the middle. The location of the ! symbol on extreme would be perfect. As well, some skills are strange, reveal has far too short duration and should reveal the whole area, the anti-spell shield I couldn't find out how to make it work (it should affect all units owned inside player area), the sleep skill is too short (or it should make upgrading impossible), Refresh should restore the mana of all your buildins to make it more interesting, something is wrong with theft, I used it on jolin when he had 1000 unspend gold and got +2 gold :? , as well, Armorer and Inciter look a but weird.

    The idea has a lot of unspent potential, i'll look up for the next interest tick :wink:.

    Here my ideas to improve:

    Reveal: Shows the whole area of a player for 30 secs. The builder of the affected area shows the magic control effect (editor), to let you know you are being spied.

    Magic-Shell: Casted over any tower or builder, Protects all buildings and units of owner inside his play area for 30 secs debuffing and making them magic immune. The builder of the affected area shows the effects of magic shell (editor).

    Abolition of magic: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all units (creeps and builder) debuffed and magic immune for 5 secs, can be used to debuff your own creeps or to make the creeps of another player ignore slowers and armor reductors. The builder of the affected area shows the divine shield effects (editor).

    Mana-steal: Casted over any tower or builder, it steals 5 mana per sec. of all buildings inside a player area and gives it to the casters spell center, lasts 5 secs and some mana steal graphics appear from the spell center to the builder of the victim. Can be used on your own area to regain mana.

    Thievery: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all kills bounty made during 20 secs. in this player area be given to the caster instead of being given to the player.

    Stop: Casted over any tower or builder, forces to sell a building of an enemy, puts his builder to sleep or makes Spell- or Summoning center freeze. Lasts 10 secs. On buildings the builder of the targeted player has mute graphics 5 secs., casted on the builder it puts him to sleep.

    Freeze Area: Casted over any spot in a player area, makes all buildings and units in an area have half mov. speed and attack speed, affects the builder as well. 20 secs duration. The idea is to make him slower to be overrunned by the next wave.

    Timed Bomb: Casted over any spot in a player area, it posts an invisible bomb that explodes as soon as a creep is nearby, damaging all buildings and units in an area, reducing selling price of buildings or even destroying them completely, damage of the bomb depends on the current wave number, does not affects the builder nor summoning nor spell center. Explodes after maximum of 20 secs.

    Fortitude: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all towers and units (creeps & builder) inside the whole player area, be buffed with +9 extra armor for 20 secs.

    Frenzy: Casted over any spot in a player area, it makes all towers and units (creeps & builder) inside the whole player area, be buffed with 30% extra movement speed for 20 secs.

    Cease Fire: Casted over any spot in any player area, it avoids the next wave counter to appear during 45 secs, after which the spell center's mana is set to 0. If the spell center is "stop"-ed during this time, the spell is interrupted and the next wave will appear. The casters area will be visible to all. The summoning center will show some channeling grafics.

    All things are open to discuss.

  13. To show you tactics about where to place the towers, it is crucial that you understand some basic concepts.

    Read this first and understand the basics. Follow this link:


    Its the tower placement guide made by Cisz, an absolutely must read for any player.

    And why do you discourage building a supernova when it is more powerful than a nova?

    There can be many reasons not to build supernova, one can be that you don't want to play too slow, which often happens on multiplayer, another one can be the price, don't build something if you don't need it.

    New Question: What quantity should they be?Like how many acids and fire and monsoon and all the others do i need?

    Nova and Monsoon are extremely powerful and slow-effective towers, try to concentrate their effects combined on the location you expect to do the most damage and dont let any creep escape, it's for making a "2-pass"-build to get a "1-pass" build. You can control the Tornado manually to be more effective and "follow" the creeps. Well used, 1 tower of each should be enough.

    Acid, Ice towers and similar ones have optimum effect when they hit as much creeps as possible, therefor the "corner locations" are the best for them, normally 2 of them and you'll be fine. On acid it is important that they hit the creeps before they enter your main damage area, as they are armor reductors. Same goes for "Faerie Fire" of Enchantment towers.

    Welcome to the forum .deeEFF and don't hesitate to ask if you want to know anything, we are glad to help you out.

  14. I'll try to explain a bit what this reselling and rebuilding is about.

    Let's say you play a game on random (allrandom, samerandom, ..., where you get your element picks randomized each 5 levels). The most important thing is that the towers sell for 100% of its buildig cost, what means that if you build a tower, upgrade it 3 times, and then sell it, you get all your money back. Therefor, you are not losing money if you build the normal way (there is a long way to build, more to it later).

    Now you have to get 2 concepts, first is the interest, second is the net worth.


    A is your current Unspend gold, basically the gold you have on the top of your screen. B is the money which you have Invested, basically its the value of the towers you have build. C is the Net Worth, its the sum of all the money you have in total, your gold in cash plus the value of your towers.

    Unspend Gold + Invested Gold = Net Worth

    Now, the interest is a fix % of your gold in cash that is added to your gold each specific time, like the money in a bank does. Normally, you get a 2% of your unspend gold as extra gold each 14 secs. In a game you will see on the multiboard top right a place saying "Interest" and a counter that goes down from 14 secs to 0. Each time the counter reaches 0, you will get a 2% of the money on A (Unspend money).

    Now, lets say you have 1500 Net worth, you got 2 towers that fuse 2 elements (dual tower), like death, ice, magic, ...., which have a value of 500 each.

    Your formula would be:

    500 unspend gold + 1000 invested gold = 1500 Net worth

    If in this exact moment, your interest counter reaches 0, you would get a 2% of 500 unspend gold, 500x0,02= +10 gold as interest earnings.

    Now, let's say you realize in the same situation that you are just about to get your interest counter to reach 0, and you sell all your towers. This is basically moving your money from "invested gold" to "unspend gold".

    Your formula would be:

    1500 unspend gold + 0 invested gold = 1500 Net worth

    If in this exact moment, your interest counter reaches 0, you would get a 2% of 1500 unspend gold, 1500x0,02= +30 gold as interest earnings.

    You see, you can increase your interest earnings by selling in time all your towers. Neighter the less, it requires a lot of skill to time correctly the events so you make high interest earnings. The selling and rebuilding method to increase earnings is what we call Interest Microing .

    My suggestion to startup as a noob, is that you try to sell your towers as soon as you finish a wave, then you look at the multiboard top right, and as soon as the counter of interest passes the 0 mark, you build the towers for the coming wave. Do this up to wave 20 and you will already get an advantage.

    There are 2 ways to loose money (Net Worth), one is that on "pick" gamemodes, where you pick your elements each 5 waves, all towers build over an element tower, are sold for 75% of its value, thus, selling them makes you waste money. The second way is using "long building ways", if you for example upgrade a lvl2 dual to a lvl2 triple, it is more expensive then building a lvl1 triple and upgrading it to a lvl2 triple.

    There are 3 keys to master this game:

    1) Prepare for the upcomig wave and do not overbuild, if you expect to come a fire-wave, try to build water damage, if you expect an elemental boss to come, build the best element arrow towers on the middle, ..., learn to optimize damage choosing smartly the location of your towers, don't build more then strictly needed.

    2) Learn to optimize interest microing, be skillful selling and rebuilding your towers, make each wave start from a blank area as often as possible and build then towers adjusted to the wave that is about to start.

    3) Learn to choose secondary effects, in some situations slowing towers are better then in others, find out when the right moment is for building which towers or tower combinations, learn to know the skills of the towers.

  15. Actually I think its much easier to remember whats the towers purpose then what damage towers do.

    I.ex. it took me 3 games to remember that Roots is a AoE slower but I still cant remember, just suppose, that it does Nature damage.

    The point is, imagine i'm a newbie; once i get the elements, i check on the towers i already have to what they can be upgraded and what benefits it brings me. I watch the upgrade description and the skill descriptions. Tower query is more like an advanced tool and is not likely to be used by an absolute newcommer; it is more thought for the rest of us that already knows (or at least in most cases) which towers are damage amplifiers, slowers, armor reductors, ...

    So the crucial information a normal (not-newbie) user needs to know and that is hard to remember is:

    - Towers available

    - Building way of triples

    - Damage type

    so it may would be good to remove the skill type and insert damage type instead.

    Still I would like everybodys opinion about this.

  16. Cisz, I assume that by strong towers you mean towers with strong side effects like slow, arm. reductors and amplifiers, I wouldn't consider Tidal or Quaker as weak.

    I think Blacksmith tier 3 is pretty ok.

    And Death tower is more like a "plague tower" right now.

    Edit: @Sancdar's answer:

    Something like plague, a synonym. I'm not that good in english.

    Darkness and nature are spreading elements.

    Maybe "Spread Tower" and "Plague" Skill.

  17. I wanted to open a topic where you can share your experiences on the game. Have you ever lived a strange, weird, funny or unbelivable situation while you played ETD? Feel free to share your experieces.

    The main topic is: Which is the funniest thing that ever happened to you while playing Element TD?

    No limits on what can be posted!, tell us anything that happened to you on a game that makes you smile when you remember it (or just makes you shake your head). Anything, as long it is related to the game.

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