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Website Game Description

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Interested to see if anyone can improve upon the description of the game featured on the website. I would really appreciate any and all feedback!

Element TD is an eight player Warcraft 3 Game. Following the tradition of past Tower Defenses, invading hordes follow a specific path from start to finish. Towers must be built, creeps must be killed, victory must be earned!

A Proliferation of Strategy!

Whereas traditional Warcraft 3 Tower Defenses overlook armor type and attack type, Element TD creates its own world wherein each invading horde and attacking tower has a specific corresponding element.

Each element takes additional damage from the element preceding it and retains near-invulnerability from the element following it. The circle of elements goes as follows:

Light > Darkness > Water > Fire > Nature > Earth > Light...

Is That All?

Element TD contains a unique form of leveling up defensive towers. Beginning at level 5 and for every 5 levels after that, the player chooses an Elemental Guardian to summon. These guardians channel the secrets of deep and powerful elemental magik, and when killed they grant the user the use of a specific element.

These elements either infuse existing towers with their specific qualities or inhabit their own, specialized elemental tower. The user can combine elements and create unique dual and triple element towers. No two elemental towers are alike in Element TD.

The Devil's in the Details...

Each element combines with another element to create a unique dual tower, and each dual tower can combine with a third and separate element to create a triple element tower. There are 15 dual towers and 20 triple towers in Element TD.

Each element can be chosen again up to three times total. Higher levels of elements allows for the upgrade to higher tiers of elemental towers. Towers may only be upgraded if all of their component elements have been brought to the appropriate level. In Element TD, better towers are only available by killing more Elemental Guardians.

The Rich Get Richer?

While players' instincts might be to build as strong a defense as they can manage in a Tower Defense, you are rewarded for putting off building that expensive tower and hoarding your gold in Element TD. Every 15 seconds, all players gain interest on their unspent gold to the tune of 2% of their current cash. Players may also increase the initial interest rate once every 5 levels at the cost of an element pick.

In allowing some gold to accumulate, you may find that early level creeps sneak past your defenses. However, Element TD does not trade off money lost in kills for money gained by hoarding. Players no longer lose gold for missing out on a crucial creep kill. In Element TD, leaked creeps respawn at the start of the path. This gives you another chance at the gold they carry, but gives the creep another chance at you.

To reach the end of Element TD, all 60 waves must be completely defeated.

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Element TD is an eight player Warcraft 3 Game. Following the tradition of past Tower Defenses, invading hordes follow a specific path from start to finish. Towers must be built, creeps must be killed, victory must be earned!

Definitely not just Warcraft 3 anymore...

And how about giving some vague details about wave 61? It's not mentioned in the description at all

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