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I just play a game in Insane mode. And I got even higher score than the rank 1 on leaderboard right now. Can u check and tell me if its a bug?. Match ID: 2195027035

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It takes a few minutes to update, also if you used any cheats at all through either the sandbox mode or -gold xx the game won't be recorded.


Edit: Just watched the replay, you got more OSfrog kills but you had under 1/3rd of the actual leaderboard total score.

Edited by Kpop fangay

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Just want to note that the -gold XXX protection is gone, if you start the lobby with cheats enabled it won't count, if you -gold XXX without cheats enabled it just won't do anything (before, it also detected it as a cheat)


We need to add some sort of confirmation ingame that the match was properly recorded on our servers, after the endscreen.

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