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game score formula

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Formulas are public in [our repository](https://github.com/Karawasa/Element-TD/blob/master/game/dota_addons/element_td/scripts/vscripts/scoring.lua)


Score of a wave is

totalScore = waveClearScore * (1 + cleanBonus + speedBonus + difficultyBonus) * (1 + chaosBonus + endlessBonus))

Wave Clear score is waveNumber * 30 while the other clean/speed bonus are streak based.


Final boss wave score is

totalScore = waveClearScore * (1 + difficultyBonus) * (1 + endlessBonus)


waveClearScore = 3000 * bossBonus    (100 per kill * 0.10 every wave past the first)

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thanks. so I take it its important to clear the waves fast in order to get a high score.

however, due to the abstract nature of the formula I cannot really estimate how important it is to get ahead in boss rounds compared to finishing a round early (with or without leaking). for instance for insane + chaos + rush, is it possible to say roughly if its better to kill 1-3 boss rounds compared to finishing all rounds asap but then dying at once at boss level 1? the strategy for both is usually different.

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