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Guest kevs926

eletd mechanics

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Guest kevs926

are all kinds of damage reduced by armor?

are voodoo's maledict fire type? and reduced by armor?

how about bonus damage from ice flame polar and ice age?

i used polar towers on ronalds and i see that after polar's frostbite(-25% hp) which is 5 seconds..the lost 25% hp will come back to ronald and i didn't even see a message ronald hp upgraded

does frostbite stack? for example 2 ice age towers can lower ronald hp to 25% in an instant

can you tell me also how random works?

what level will level 2 heroes start to spawn? level 3? is it possilble that i get interest at level 5?

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Hard questions, ask Cisz or Karawasa.

Edit: I don't think 2 frostbites stack on one creep because I think it was based on slow or some other spell.

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Good questions, AFAIK it is something like this:

All kinds of damage reduced by armor? No. They should be Imo but they are not. for example one of the towers I keep pointing out, Drowning tower. That towers effect doesn't really care about armor (or armor type) and on VH 66% of it's damage is the effect, so I'd want that fixed.

There are other towers such as Windstorm and Corrosion, but I'm totally sure which ones ignore armor. I can do a research if nobody does actually know all for sure.

Voodoo's maledict is fire type, yes. Which is bad Imo, as it simply is a buff of something that allready is of a type. Say, if you buff a fire tower with maledict (means, you curse a unit going to be struck by fire) first fire damage is dealt, that is reduced to half, from, say, 100dmg to 50 dmg, that means the maledct should only deal 25% of that, to a 12,5 damage, instead of 25dmg if the creep would be earth or something, which is good, but this is how it'd be if maledict WOULD be composite. Currently it's fire, that means, that the 100 dmg turns into 50dmg, and 25% of that is 12,5 but, if fire, it only deals 6,25 damage, instead of the 25 if it'd be earth armor or something.

In other words I'd say it's not good that the buff of Maledict is affected twice, once by dmg towers dmg type, and once by fire type of voodoo itself. Voodoo is the Support Tower, it should buff, NOT Decde damage type itself, that's up to the damage towers! Sorry if it's hard to understand, but it's not that easy for me to explain.

flame polar and ice age are good, just like blacksmith they make the damage increased in % of the main damage, so they do not change any attack type. You mentioned Ice too, why? it only slows, no damage boost..

Frostbite is just a temporary hp reduce, it's ment to come back within 5 seconds unless you've allready kiled the ronald. "Ronald hp upgraded" has nothing with that to do, it means that after killing some ronalds, the new ronalds will come with even more hp. so, new ronalds come with more hp, they don't gain hp when spawned or so.

FrosIce age does not stack, you can max have one frostbite effect per creep at a time.

Random, It is possible to get interest at lvl 5. it is meant to be only possible to get max 2 interests in one game, but that's a bug that you can get more, fixed for next version afaik. lvl 2 elementals can spawn at lvl 20, not earlier. lvl 3 I'm not sure about. Someoneelse needs to answer for more details on this question.

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Guest kevs926

you confused me with your maeldict explanation

anyway, this is how i understand things

*15 armor is approximately 50% reduction

if first attack deals fire then buffed by voodoo on an earth armor

100 -> 50 dmg then + (12.5 ->6.25) =56.25

if first attack deals fire then biuffed by voodoo(let's make voodoo composite) on earth armor

100 -> 50 dmg then + (12.5 ->6.25) =56.25, still the same

if first attack deals fire then buffed by voodoo on a nature armor

100->100dmg then + (25->25)= 125

if first attack deals fire then buffed by voodoo on a normal armor

100->50->37.5 + (9.375->4.6875->3.51526) = 41 dmg

if first attack deals fire then buffed by voodoo on a water armor

100->50->25 + (6.25->3.125->1.5625)= 26.5625 dmg

did i apply armor(damage reduction) correctly?

also, some random question on how eletd was based

piercing, normal, magic, siege, spell, chaos, hero = 7 damage types = 6 elements + composite

light, medium, heavy, fortified, hero, divine, _____, = 7 armor types = 6 elements + normal armor

what's the blank?

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Thats wy I got shredded by the healing water "murlocks"

I thought I had a decent defence and a maelidct roots and some magic towers, on very hard extreme sr, but I got tottally shredded.

I thought magic would do most the work, cause it was darkness.

P.S. I can't remember but I think it was also chaos and short mode.

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I think you did those calcs correctly for how it'd be with composite, bhut when i said composite i actually meant both armor and armortype ignoring, because the damage it buffs is allready affected by armor and armor type, so that it doesn't have to be (affected)².

it means if buffing a fire tower onb water lvl instead of the current (if im correct it ain't armor and type ignoring):

100->25 + (6.25->1,5625)=26,5625 maledict beeing a 6,2% boost

it would be more like (with armor and type ignoring maledict):

100->25 + (6.25)=31,25 maledict beeing a 25% boost, as it should be

and if buffing a fire tower on a nature level on veryeasy and using a corrosion tower for 0 armor:

100->200 + (50->100)=300 maledict beeing a 50% boost

it would be more like(with armor and type ignoring maledict):

100->200 + (50)=250 maledict beeing a 25% boost.

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