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Guest Archangel

Official Affiliates section on DDayWorld

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Guest Archangel

DDayWorld's owner, JNcool added a new sub-forum only for our affiliates (among which is also Element TD). On that forum you can post topics about any news or event related to your forum. On that way you can also attract more people to join your forum and to play your map :)

Official Affiliates

if you have some questions contact me on my msn: [email:1uwfgwkh][email protected][/email:1uwfgwkh]

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Guest Archangel

if you want to get informed people there just post topic about that event :D

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Guest Archangel

One correction.

About in which forum you should make a topic. Now there are three sub-forums in that part


Official Affiliates/Partnerships

Apply for Affiliation/Partnership

Current Affiliators/Parners' Corner

Our affiliates should post in Current Affiliators/Partners' Corner. Here is the link: http://www.ddayworld.com/forums/index.php?showforum=94

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Guest Archangel

orry for three in a row posts but there aren't a replay o...

I've opened a topic on ddayworld (in affiliate subforum) about element td's replays. So can you upload there some of your's? I've uploaded mine and I will keep with it. Here is the link:

Element TD's Replays

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