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Guest gahafa

Can you give me Advice? Really needed ><

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Guest gahafa

This is me Very Hard Replay..All pick others are all normal... First time I played Very Hard..400 Ronalds, but this was done on Single player. But I didn't cheat ><..

Normally I do normal, so ALL useful advice would really be appreciated. :D

400 VH Ronalds.w3g

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congrats on completing.

6-element games ending with periodic is probably the strongest build in the game and has been done by many players.

first, are you intending to play single player all the way? playing at IX wouldn't work in multiplayer as you'll most likely be flooded and facing 2 waves on both sides of the ledge. it's best to play at IV and V, if not V and III or VI. (know the numpad positions?)

nova tower belongs on a long-pass placement such as V. windstorm is better at long-pass, usually V.

personally, i wouldn't play with life towers in pick. yes, it gives a buffer in terms of lives but the damage is too low. a damage tower would have helped to cut out some of the leaks. i'm not very sure if the incantation towers were really needed. i would rather use corrosion lvl2. and 2 corrosion towers in the same area is unnecessary as the effect doesn't stack. (correct me if i'm wrong, any point in this paragraph)

consider watching some of the replays by cisz, jolin012 and myself. the replay section has some of the replays.

vh replays by myself (played in vh rnd but it shows stuff like tower placement, choices and stuff)

Double no-leak by cisz and jolin012

VH ronald hunt

Cisz's replay pack

continue playing, watching replays and feel free to ask anyone of us (especially cisz) about anything.

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Guest gahafa

Thanks for the tips, but I also have some questions to ask.

If I were to use, 4 and 5 numpad positions (Just figured them out ><) wouldn't the Nova and windstorm tower lose the most effective effect? Would 5 and 6 be a better choice? Also, the corrosion towers. It feels as if they don't hit everything with one tower, with two, it may help so the effects will be on mostly everything instead of just a couple? Do you see what I mean? Tell me if I'm wrong. Also, the life tower was to help give a push to my lives, with any other damage tower, I would probably still leak in the levels I leaked, except in different numbers. So the Life Towers really helped in a Great Push. If I'm wrong in any of the above please help me in a definite way so I have nothing to brag about...Thanks for your time in watch my replay. Great GREAT GREATLY Appreciated.

Would lower 5 and 2 work as a pair? Or 5 and 6 work best? That is my question now.

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nova hits maximum number of creeps at V.. that is the most effective place. nova belongs to the long pass placement, being aoe. (same goes for quaker). Placed correctly, nova can solo up to the late 20s. windstorm placement would depend on where your other towers and making use of the spawn range. since i always play IV and V, my windstorm will be at V. watch some of our games for an idea of how it works.

V and II would not work. V is long pass while II would be somewhat of a 'bad' placement. it's not 2-pass, neither is it long pass. the usual are IV and V (the default for pros) or V and VI (most average games should be ok but some chance of getting flooded, especially if someone is rushing) or everything at III (for certain strategies, involving towers such as zealot). playing at VII or / is only for solid builds or speedruns (completing the game in the shortest time) or extreme overbuilding. you will see that in most games, we play at IV and V.

i'll let the others advice more on the specific towers.

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