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Guest EMPerror


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Guest EMPerror

Hey, im new to these forums and i want to ask something

I've been playing eletd for a long time now and i developed a couple of strategies. My favourite is:

Interest to max

Then go for nova

This worked perfectly in (very) easy and normal. I often ended up with like 400k~1000k gold and the whole building place full of supernova towers. The problem is i cant do very well in very hard (i normaly almost beat hard... lose somewhere about 54~55 or so).

So my question is

Is interest worth as much as i think? Used right it gets a lot more cash than gold towers, but i often leak early levels.

Also with the new beta, now we no longer have the 40 creep levels and tons of cash which i think makes the game even harder (i never got to try it out , im too busy with school myself).

So what do you think... is it worth maxing as soon as possible?

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Anything works in ve and many on normal. :)

Also with the new beta, now we no longer have the 40 creep levels and tons of cash

40 creep levels? It was and is 60. And the cash went up for all but vh. What versions are you playing? :P

Besides - what's wrong with gold?


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