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Blizzard TD

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The only other TD that got me interested to some degree is blizzard td. It's not really a competition ofc. :)

But every now and then I like to pull off yet another no leaker. I'ts not that hard once I had a bit of practice. This is ofc on the easier version of the map, the version that comes with tft, not the version available on the b-net map section.

If you happen to like this td too a bit, maybe drop a replay here?

I have completed it with all heroes, so here is my little sample.

Blizz TD NL.zip

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Guest dahrion


I like this TD too, here are 3 replays with 3 different strategies 8) . Its for patch 1.21, didnt play it with new patch sorry.

I rely a lot on hero towers, the fast replay is my own strategy , the two others where inspired from a very old replay and from a youtube video.

This is ofc on the easier version of the map, the version that comes with tft, not the version available on the b-net map section

didnt know there where 2 of it and that one of them is harder, maybe that's because i dont play on bnet :? . I only know that the map was patched once.

here you go :




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Finally I got to watch your replays.

No.1) Nice how early you get a hero and how you basically skip the mid tech except ice. You kill faster than me, and I can only assume your summons rock. Finally a player that did the math and levels orb and nova properly. :)

No.2) Cen is my favourite. He has a wicked dmg/sec and a huge nuke. It's more expensive to upgrade lightning (or fire or ice) before building, as it raises the towercost. Afaik poison stays on the same price. And I allways just knew that ultimate towers are not needed. Stun is enough.

No.3) Ya, good ol splash'n'slow. Great speed. To bad this map punishes your skill in multiplayer. One more reason for eletd. ;)

I personally don't like the hero towers. I should try to play mass lightning w/o them. And hero after 2 should be possible.

Edit: ..no. Hero after 2 is not possible.

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