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Guest hiflyr_180

Ronalds, i got lots

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Guest hiflyr_180

hey all, currently in game and still killing ronalds ive just past 6000 zzz

game mode is: Easy, Short mode, Random, Chaos, Normal

just wondering wat a good ronalds score is on easy, on very hard i can only get like 30-50 and i also always choose random.


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I tried a hunt on very easy, and as far as I can tell would have been able tio kill on for eternety, so for easy anything near that would be good. :)

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Guest hiflyr_180

hmm still going, jsut passed 7000, itz gettin ridiculous, they are not even getting close to the end :s

maybe i just got a lucky random :S

btw, i think the previous etd versions were 100% sell on very hard, u should put that in this one :D

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Guest CountVlad

i've a game running actually, were ronald cannot reach the end... 6900 kills right now. i'll let the comp work all night.... we'll see how many ronalds will die :)

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In 3.0 the record is 72.000 ronalds, and thats on very hard, so you'd better get to a higher difficulty to impress me. 8)

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Guest CountVlad

is there a limit to ronald's HP? it looked as if yesterday night he was stuck at 5850000 hp...

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There was in 3.0, and I'm pretty sure there is for 4.0 as well, but I havn't asked Karawasa about that. I would dare the guess that they don't get stronger after 10k or so.

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Guest CountVlad

.... i do... so please, go play mister "i like to blame noobs" somewhere else...


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Guest Cataras

Where did i blame you (the noob) for anything?

Also if i said "noone" i didnt mean literally noone. More like: noone who ever played this game more than once and got bored from very easy after 10 seconds playing.

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Guest 1mpulse

cant someone please put all the ronald stuff together? there is like 4 different threads, i thought there was a set thread to post ronald records.

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