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[Public Beta] A couple of bugs: Drowning,Trickery,Hkeys+more

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After playing Public beta quite alot I have came across a couple of bugs.

Trickery tower will not be destroyed if the owner/player dies.

I have also came across the stop-attack bug about 5 times :( I raised some new arrows, sometimes cannons, and they didn't attack until i manually forced them to begin attacking. I remember this bug from 3.0, is it a map or game bug?

When i tried to use the hotkeys for choosing settings i decided to do 151112 for VH Extreme, but if i click fast, sometimes I click these, and end up in having chosen Short mode, and not yet chosen rest options. If the only solution is to slow down that's ok with me, except one thing: Speedrunning Challanges! I Hate that this includes the time of picking options and the time of clicking exit after the game is done. My sugguestion is to add to the end message message when you won lv60 that includes "congratulations you have beaten the game with the time XX:XX". This makes no stress before or after game.

Drowning tower's special don't work on bosses.

After i have beaten level 35, There set's off the timer that is about 20sec(3 if not boss lvl) til next wave, and i kill my elemental. However when that countdown reaches 0 it shows level 35 for a sec, before it enters 36. It's the same after all levels, not only boss lvls.

Edit: it does happen on all waves, so maybe it's not a bug, but i noticed it only on boss levels for there is where there is time to look at countdown timer.

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