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Those Wonderful Tooltips

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Anyone looked at the attack and armor tooltips on units?

The element names aren't colored in the actual tooltip part where it says, "50% from ".

I think they should be.

Could this be done?

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Don't coddle me. tongue.gif

I know all about color codes and how to use them.

Just wondering if Karawasa could be bothered to make that minor change. :D

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> But other people can learn from this.

Indeed. But is this the place?

Anyway. Don't take that in a bad manner. It wasn't meant like that. Let's stay on-topic.

> How did you get that Emoticones?

Quote the post and find out. 4e65e426.gif

I'm not sure, (haven't checked) but I think all of those tooltip things may be done by the game itself, so you may not be able to enter a color code....

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I mean that it could be done completely by the Attack-Type table in Gameplay Constants, and you have no control over the text that actually appears in the box.

Gameplay Constants only allows you to enter numbers. It's quite possible that the game takes those numbers and the names of the different attacks and puts them together itself.

But, as I said, I haven't checked. I should. tongue.gif

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Guest mrchak

The text in the tooltipls (attack type for example) is not in gameplay constants, it's in Gameplay Interface. Text can be changed to anything, including color codes.

For example, In the Beta releases, the text that in typical WC3 maps says "No Upkeep" in the upper right hand corner has been changed to a light-blue text that says "Element TD 4.0"

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Yes, you can change pretty much here.

The icons, All text that appears, for example you can change the text when your out of mana, or change the sound when out of mana.

You can change the "unable to root" text to something else.

Pretty much everything.

And the loading screen.

(if you want to have a loading screen where you can se the players loading. This way requeres 4 pictures that is a bit smaller size but tottaly it makes a much bigger map. And you can't have any text writing in it, exept text you write on the actuall image.)

Edit: I watched you link, and how da :twisted: did you manage to post over 6000 posts?!?! You knew about gameplay constans, but not game interface?

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Yes, yes, I know about Game Interface, too.

And if it WAS in there, (didn't know for sure, remember) then I would know for certain that you could do it since you can enter any text you want there.

> I watched you link, and how da did you manage to post over 6000 posts?!?!

Time. And much posting. tongue.gif

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