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Guest Maane

[BIG Idea] More Levels?

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Guest Maane

Just like my UI thread, I dont know if this has been mentioned before or not, BUUUTT:

Wouldn't it be something if the FINAL version could contain more levels? It could be +10 ... +20... or +50, however many you would choose it would still make the game more fun. The game technically has a lot of levels, and takes a lot of time, but it seems to go oh so quickly.. I've worked in WorldEdit before and I know that level making is a hassle, but it would so be worth it, more than anything.

The only downside however, is that there would have to be more towers.. or MAYBE a new aspect added in the game for the last and hardest levels (ie. 50-60, or 50-75). One of my ideas would be things that could be placed on the floor, like heat vents to damage etc (only problem is that Steam Tower has that graphic already).

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Guest Sancdar

This has been discussed a whole bunch of times, and shot down every time. The game already takes 28 minutes (for GipFace) to an hour (for VE games), and extra levels doesn't necessarily mean extra fun.

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the game is already long enough as it is. most games are average 1 hr online. Gem TD had a good concept but it took way too long to finish. close to 2 hrs some games to win. which is why i'm back to eleTD. there is even a discussion on a short mode where there are only 30 levels.

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Guest Warcryptic

gem can take 50-60 min with race. But classic takes ours, so nobody really plays classic, takes to goddamn long,

Etd is fun, but more levels will work the opossite way.

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Guest mrchak

I think it is what it is. 60 levels. You mentioned some good ideas but I don't know if they will work for Element TD. Maybe in a different TD...

I have an idea for a new TD that would allow for endless towers with no limit on their effectiveness, (a project that I may want to launch after Element TD final is released, if people are interested). It's a TD concept that, in my opinion, will revolutionize Tower Defense maps.... thats my dream at any rate. At some point I'll try to drum up some interest in it. Right now I can't concentrate on another map (If anybody is interested in my other map project, a remake of Secret of Mana in WC3, message me, you may be able to help).

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Guest Mieralunar

Hm I like the possiblility 2 choose wether u get more or less levels. Make it possible 2 select in the begining maby. So u can choose 2 play fast (like only 30 lvls) or looong (75, 80, …? I dunno) for the ones who have 2 much time :P

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