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Maze ideas

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Though there is no such thing as "perfect"

but there will always be close to perfect

and so, here is my current idea for element tower defense, maze mode

with a double spiral and a "4 pass" maze design


special thanks to those who developed/play/enjoy

- gem td (gemtd.net, where I first learned how to make a variation of the double spiral)

- element td (everyone here possibly)

- tower defense in general

as well as those who express interest in maze crafting in general

and Ayr for the inspiration to continue maze crafting

without each and everyone of you,

these amazing games would not exist


and hope to see more maze ideas

additional information...

- I used open office spreadsheet (free, online, google "open office" if interested) to design the above

setting cell block width and height to .5, fills, borders, and color

- this current maze is not finalized yet and merely an experiment

- I plan to beat Ayr's fruit score eventually but it will take a while and possibly a few game crashes :)

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