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currently it seems to be a mindless spamming of the strongest units with very little thought over the pros of each unit.

My ideas will add some more depth and bulk to creeps.

Idea one: There is a set of units currently in game that only have a little more hp the others but no effect.

They should get 25% more hp then current so they are the "meat shield"

Idea Two: Each tier should have shields on them to add some more buffer seeing as income and wealth go up way faster then wars at early game then in classic.

Tier 1 = 10% / Tier 2 = 25% / Tier 3 = 50% / fruit = 100%

Idea Three: Currently only the "marine" gives the best return on sending in the game. This setup needs to be spread along to the others but tested very closely.

I shouldn't lose money from sending creeps..... *looks at fruit* hate u..

Idea Four: Each of the creep types should have a buff !THAT DOESN'T! stack with it's self that gets better with tier.

-healing= healing to allies nearby for X (1/2/3) % max hp per 2 seconds.

-mech= give allies a immune bubble for X seconds after death. (0.5/1/1.5)

-undead= give allies +x more damage reduction (goes over cap). (3/6/10)

-fast= gives allies +x% movement speed. (5/10/15)

-HP(current nothing)= gives allies +x% more max hp (heals them for that amount also). (4/8/12)

-image= 10% of damage taken goes to image while active.

All of these ideas are that just ideas. give your feed back and i will love or hate you for it. <3 >:)...

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