Karawasa Posted June 29, 2007 Currently, there is going to be this tower in the game: Reapers Scythe: A tower that deals more damage if the current hp% is weaker. I was reading through the brainstorm thread, and Scousin proposed a tower that made me think of something: Unknown Name: A tower that deals more damage if the current hp% is higher. This new tower would be cool for a couple of reasons. First, it would be strategic in how you place and use it. It is obviously the tower that should be getting first hits. Second, it synergies really well with the other tower. One tower weakens them, the other finishes them. What do you guys think? Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest ScouSin Posted June 29, 2007 I think this puts into clear view the concept of spike damage vs dps damage (which is a good thing). Essentially what the concept is, is that you should put splashing and high damage towers near the front of creep waves (towers like rainbow tower and refined earth tower) in an attempt to deal starting damage, keeping in mind that if placed later on, the refined earth tower's splash won't hit as many creeps (they'd already be dead) or the full power of the rainbow tower's damage wouldn't be used (using its whole damage to kill an enemy with just around 100 HP, already weakened by earlier towers). I love the ideas. They would be great replacements for two of the three insta-kill towers already in the game. Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest mrchak Posted June 29, 2007 So really neither of these two towers is effective on its own, its only by strategically combining it with other towers do you see it really making a difference. Ok, so just to be clear, the idea is something like this: Reaper scythe does between 100 and 2000, inversely proportional to the unit's HP, and the other tower would do the opposite. So reaper's sycthe would start attacking, and it would do 100, 120, 150, 170, 200, 300, 400, 550, 750.. etc until the unit is finally dead the other tower would do like 2000, then 1000, 500, etc Yea, these could work well. Go to top Share this post Link to post