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Visuall suggestions

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Some things might need some improvements on the visualls.

Clones should have some kind of color mark, like darker color or a little transparent. (and all clones don't change size as they should)

Poison has sort of the same problem as old hydro [visual vise], but there might be another way around it. Take a look at this I made quick.


EDIT: Updated, you no longer need to type *iseedeadpeople* and it is no longe named just another warcraft 3 map.

I don't know how to fix the problem with more blue and less gas without deleting the carrion swarm totally and leaving only the crushing wave.

Experiment with the color and so if you can, and try to find other things.

P.S. to use the units which can be color altered use [-test on] / [-test off] these are a bit blue. You can change the models and color on how you want. These are units and are thus capped at 522 ms. (carrion swarm didn't have any blue in it, so deleting red and green color made the wave disappear. But then the crushing wave seemed more bluer.

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what problem did old hydro have? :S except that it stunned creeps Edit: ok i get it, it's bluish now. neat. except that at the end of the animation there's a second animation, green clouds arise, those should be bluish too. else it looks good imo - perhaps a bit too bright white light blue? imo maybe it should be a bit more clear pore powerful blue.

oh - and I have a new visual suggestion. today I messed up and thought my towers were clones, just cause they had the fireup visual effect on them. Those 2 effects look too much alike! infact, since i only had the fireup this time i couldn't compare, and drew the conclusion that they were exactly the same even though they aren't.. even with 100+ games with new trickery. so - make the visual effect over fireup or clones a bit changed in color. maybe make fireup a bit more red, or clones ball over them a bit more green, or replace one of them no not look like the other, or like springed forward

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just a little something about electricity (and perhaps its upgrades too):

the icon is bluish, the model is bluish, but the lightning that comes out is red. hmmm.

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We could make the model reddish - but the upgrade icon can't simply be changed in color, I think it would count as custom gfx, a whole new icon, and that makes it bigger of a deal to change. Imo, the icon works just fine, but changing the moddel to more reddish, fine by me I guess.

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