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Almost beat VHSRCM

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I ALMOST BEAT THE GAME!!! This is the biggest accomplishment I've done! I used to play Normal Mode all the time, but decided to play Sancdar's favorite mode VHSRCM and almost beat it!! I lost at lvl 60 against the Evil Children. I got owned by them; regardless, I still did well and almost beat the game! After talking with Cisz on IRC Chat, I probably should have sold my bad towers for Periodic :(

Here's the replay!

Almost beat game on VHSRCM.w3g

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some tips..

use cannon towers for those early undead waves..

it's usually not a good choice to mix cannons and arrows. Too many towers at V and not enough at IV.. results in leak catching at III..

wave 36 a bit too early for enchantment towers.. since there's corrosion.

wave 41. don't need 2 well towers. each well/smith usually supports 4 towers.

wave 46. jinx tower isn't worth it (unless massed vs ronalds).. pick other towers..

wave 53. necromancy when there's periodic? usually come 52 i just sell almost all non-support towers and build periodic.. in 4pb it almost guarantees a completed game..

wave 56. too late for tidals. and not sure if the splash was used.. at that placement the splash doesn't hit many creeps either..

no periodic? it's the strongest tower in the entire game. 6-ele build rnd in pb is almost guaranteed a completed game..

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