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Guest Delaode

Lags on Undead waves

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Guest Delaode

Hi all,

i played a couple of element td 4.0 pb games in the last time.

If i host a game on the Bnet, the undead waves lag like hell. Sometimes after the lag players get kicked or people leave.

People call me noob host but i dont have lag problems in dota or footy games, if i host them everything works well.

As i never saw a ele-td 4.0 pb beta game in the bnet game list i dont know if thats only a problem when i host the map or if its normal that those waves lag.

It´s only on waves wich revive, all other waves run smooth.

Would be glad if anyone can clear things up a bit.


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Well, there was some problems with undead waves lagging in the beggining. But I didn't think they were still there in 4.0.

I don't know the problem, sorry.

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I guess what 13est is trying to say is: There are lag problems in the 4.0pb, the version you are using, but we allready use a more refined version in our tests. And the 4.0 will be much less laggy.

Lag is usually caused by a host with a not-so-great computer. Do you experience lag when you host yourself?

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Guest Delaode

as my friend is unable to host games on bnet i always host myself when we play tower defense.

it cant be my computer, its way above wc3 requirements, also i never have lag problems in other online games.

as i said if i host dota or footies games i never do have those lag problems and no one complains.

i mean its not a great problem as 4.0 is released very soon, im just wondering why most of the time the players in my games complain about the lag on undead waves even if they know the map.

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Hm, interesting. Maybe I am wrong about the host computer beeing the cause then.

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Guest DevouringOne

May be the asnwer is simple: It's not the host computer. The computers of the complaing players are cousing the problem. Or if you are host to full(8) player game there's a

possibility your computer to lag becouse of too much particles and other graphics

may couse your VPU or GPU to work at more than 100% so it will sand part of it's work to your main processor and this transfer is causing lags.

Make an single player game and full your towers field with electricity towers. You will

see a nice result...the result will be: you wont see anything. So powerful lag that will couse a decrease in FPS to 1 foe second or even slower.

Are there complains at early undead waves or only at later waves?

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