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beta 16b trickery bugabuse - clonng unfinished/upgrading

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Cloning unfinished buildings, or buildings in the middle of an upgrade is very useful since the "don't clone me"-marker is lost. Now that Periodic works to clone properly that was the easiest to abuse, but I've done it with towers like comet tower before. (upgrading cancling, upgrading cancling for more clones.).

Hmm - how to fix it? I guess the best and only way is that if an original tower is sold, so is clone, if it is upgraded or downgraded(aka upgrade cancled), so shall the clone. This is what i talked about before when mentioning "clone shall follow originals status" both in terms of this, and also smith/well effects.. But what does the coders say about that?

beta 16b Trickery abuse.w3g

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