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Guest mlepinski

AP Strategy

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Guest mlepinski

Disclaimer: I'm new to the game, and I've only played single-player and I've yet to get to beat the map above Normal difficulty

In my limited experience I've found that I do better on Random than on All-Pick. Obviously when I play Random I end up with significantly more money (since I'm able to sell elemental towers). It seems in theory that being able to pick my elements in All-Pick should make up for the extra money in random, but I think I'm pretty clue-less when it comes to picking elements.

In particular, I have a hard time knowing when to summon Level 2 and Level 3 elementals. The Level 2 and 3 upgraded Dual-Element towers (as well as the "Focused" single element towers) seem potent and in general it seems that upgraded towers are more gold-efficient than large numbers of towers (and in All-Pick once I spend money massing a tower, the money can't be recovered). On the other hand, selecting a larger number of elements in the early game provides access to a wider variety of support towers. Additionally, I've occassionally run into a situation where I summon a Level 2 or 3 Elemental too soon and am unable to kill him.

In any case, any tips on good All-Pick strategy (like get Level 1 of every element you plan to use before summoning a Level 2 elemental ... or avoid Tier 3 elementals until after level 45) would be appreciated.

Also, if anyone could be me to a good All-Pick replay or two I'd appreciate it.

Thanks a lot for your help

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It seems in theory that being able to pick my elements in All-Pick should make up for the extra money in random, but I think I'm pretty clue-less when it comes to picking elements.

6-element builds tend to be stronger in the 4.0PB, so you could try starting there.

The Level 2 and 3 upgraded Dual-Element towers (as well as the "Focused" single element towers) seem potent

but triple element towers are usually even better (and should form the core of your defense)

and in general it seems that upgraded towers are more gold-efficient than large numbers of towers

this is very true.

On the other hand, selecting a larger number of elements in the early game provides access to a wider variety of support towers.

which is very important since support towers (esp. support triples) are so strong in this incarnation of the game.

Additionally, I've occassionally run into a situation where I summon a Level 2 or 3 Elemental too soon and am unable to kill him.

90% of the time you want to make sure you set up a bunch of elemental arrows on a longpass (do you know what longpass is?) in preparation for elementals

In any case, any tips on good All-Pick strategy (like get Level 1 of every element you plan to use before summoning a Level 2 elemental...

This is a good general rule of thumb to use.

Also, if anyone could be me to a good All-Pick replay or two I'd appreciate it.

try looking in the ronald hunt thread...some of the replays are outdated but I know jolin has one that is played using the most recent version of wc3.

we could help more if you post a replay...

also, if ever in doubt about what to build, usually the first step is to just make sure you build all of the different support towers that you can...

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Guest mlepinski

Thanks a lot. I'll post a replay the next time I play AP

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I am must say I am one of the 13est players of eletd.

(not the best though)

But that is only on random, I can't play pick at all.

So don't feel bad about it.

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