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Guest Shum

DWEF Build need improvements

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Guest Shum

Currently I play medium mode

What I use is lvl 2 of DWEF

Then later I get lvl 1 of N and L and lvl E and then essence

What I need help with is the placement of my towers

I usually get 1 Root

2 Blacksmiths

3 Periodics

2 Wells

1 Corrosion

2 mucks and the rest I mass Zealots

I place everything together in place 9

And I think it will work better if i found better placement

I usually get up to over 106 ronalds

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Guest Jacob

first of all hi, i must say... not only are your first 2 posts a double post its a double topic, and you where apperentally to lazy to get rid of it, no offense.

Edit: concerning your tactic, you need to make sure "If your towers are spread" that you have enough smudge tower to effectively slow everything, also make sure that the well towers speed up the "zealot/fanatic" towers because it gives 4% bonus damage for only 4 seconds.

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Guest Shum

sorry I didn't know how this works I didn't see my first post on the site so I thought it didn't work

Umm.. not sure I never really thought of that

It is because before level 45 I make as many towers as I can

After that I start saving up for periodic

What towers do you suggest I use and where should I put them then?

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sorry I didn't know how this works I didn't see my first post on the site so I thought it didn't work

Umm.. not sure I never really thought of that

It is because before level 45 I make as many towers as I can

After that I start saving up for periodic

What towers do you suggest I use and where should I put them then?

you have all 6 elements, so why is there no voodoo, windstorm, nova, ice, flame, polar, enchantment, hydro...

in 4.0PB, if you have access to a support tower, and you have enough money, you should be using that support tower.

watch some VH replays, like this one by jolin that even uses the same 4 elements in the beginning.

for optimal ronald hunting, ronalds need to be traveling at slowest speed possible through the entire maze. polar and voodoo are essential for lowering their HP by a % amount, and if you're using periodics as your main source of damage (which you should be) you need to make sure they have the proper debuffs (corrosion, enchantment, polar, voodoo) when they are being fired upon by the periodics. Also, hydro and jinx can be used as indirect slow to circumvent the max slow cap. Make sure periodic towers are ALWAYS being buffed by blacksmith and well.

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