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Guest DevouringOne

Max slow on the creeps

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Guest DevouringOne

I think it was 66% but... now while I'm playing for infinite ronalds in VE With 2 PTotE

and all possible AoE slow towers some of them on lv2 and vodoo I hold them all...And

they're mooving so slow, slower than PB. Is there some change in this?

BTW: Beta vertions and some of the replays played on must be cept on secret? If that is

right why I can click on Karawasa's profile and I can see there most active topic: New Vertions Download Here I can even open the topic and to download the lastest vertion.

This can be done by every user...Is there anyway this to be changed?

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They shouldn't be moving any slower than in the PB, as no changes were made to minimum movement speed since then. Can you use a duplicate build (between PB and B15b) and confirm/deny this?

As for the profile thing, you can do that because you are a beta tester. If a normal user were to try and do the same thing it would bring them to some error page.

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Guest DevouringOne

OK. Just asked to be sure.

For ronnie... hmm infinite kills just by first try... wow they may be are easier than PB.

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