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Guest DevouringOne

Let all ideas for new towers and abilties to become real

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Guest DevouringOne

There are so many ideas for new tower ablities and new towers, let them all become real:

How? Just add new element td into eletd 4.0 like mode but with different race or the same one, but adding the new ideas for towers :), and all the players will choose which eletd to play the new one or the original. And after that all players can post vote in the forum for a tower from new mode that to be added to the original eletd and for one old tower that to be removed from original and placed to the new mode of the game... in this way we will got two eletd in one and both will be maked from the players :), this is just an idea, don't kill me :D

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The problem with this ideas is, they don't work and would take months of work to implement. ;)

How about you make a little map and try out a few of those ideas yourself, to get a feeling for the process? Maybe you can have the map you dream of that way. :)

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Guest DevouringOne

Oh, I know is to work on maps with editors(editors of blizzard :D), but this can be done slowly.. two towers a week? I would do it alone if I could program on JASS :)

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I don't see a chance for 4 ele towers, more lumber, more waves, and more heroes in the near future of eletd. There are good reasons against all of them, and I guess there is a consensus between all that work on the map about this.

Please don't get me wrong, it's ok to have spontaneous ideas or impulsively posting requests for things that are totally impossible to do in a map. Some of these ideas actually end up in the map. It's only very rare. ;) I hope you understand that posting in a forum is not enough to change the map. And imagining a tower won't code it, or make it work in the map, or maintain the ballance of the builds.

If you want a map that will "add some flying whales that spam grenades and destroy everything, and hey, can I please have insulting ingame messages", you have come to the wrong place. ;) We are interested in a deep and ballanced gaming experience with varied strategic options and a high level of difficulty. We plan to have a ladder one day, and after several years of developement and playing eletd, there is a pretty solid plan about what to do for the 4.0.

Are you interested in deeper ballance issues? Trying to fit in changes that improve the build ballance, without messing up what's allready working? Boosting a tower by tiny increments to the point where an expert can use it effectively? Maybe you want to read this to get an idea what the team is up to right now. And yes, that sounds like work. :P

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