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Guest HoT-AznrK

help improve! thnks!

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As usual: Don't use a mapname with underscores (_). Rules about mapnames and stuff are here.

And here are some tips, maybe they can help you. :)

Gunpowder - I think you should move them more to the right, into the very center of the map at 5. (You don't know where "at 5" is?). I would't play them at 6.

Imo flamethrower get's a lot better at 4 or 3.

I would say you leak wave 31, because you have too much fire damage and too little dark damage. Maybe you should have exchanged one flamethrower for 3 magics. And it's no shame to leak 32, we all do.

I'd say you shouldn't play at 8 in multiplayer. The creeps take ages to reach the other side of the tower. Play at 4 or 3 instead, so they get a second shooting quick.

Wave 35 is healing, and those are particulary nasty for players of lower difficulties, they heal to full health, allthough they enter the map at lower health. :shock: Try to get them early, like at 4 or 3.

And please don't play magic on longpass (at 5). ;)

In short: Place all towers at 4 and/or 3, only longrange towers like gunpowder belong to 5.

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Ok, let's see.

Imo mushroom is much better at 4 or 3 or 6. And disease is broken, don't use it at all.

Wave 28 is nature healing, so gunpowder sucks here. I guess some mushroooms at 3 would have worked much better. You don't have fire, so you can't make up for gunpowders weakness vs nature. Same goes for 33.

Quark needs to be manually jumped around to do proper damage. If thats to much clicking, just don't use quark. ;) And trickery is even more complicated.

Laser is good, but at 4 or 3. You should have had more laser and some mushroom to kill earth waves (when laser is weak).

And you didnt build a root tower at 4, they rock.

The best you could have doen here is to place one root at 4 and buy lasers at 4 for the rest of your gold. When you got fire, a nova at 5 would have been nice too.

I guess you should try to learn what long pass and two pass means and to avoid long pass.

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