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[Beta 12] Trickery Bug: Pure Clones

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I found that when I clone pures the clones cost essences as well. in a game with cheats i had 10 pure natures out of 10 essences, and when i added trickery tier 3's I god 40/10 essences.

As a side note, 40/10 means there was more than a 200% boost. which must mean clones can be cloned, but maybe that was already known.

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Also in the same game I noticed that 2 towers of the same type:


1 pure nature and 1 pure nature (clone)

could not be sold, when targeting all towers the sell button for both towers disappeared.

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we were guessing it's cause clone and real are both the same tower but with different sell ability, and therefor it dissapeared. and that it was more trouble to fix than it'd be worth, cause it ain' that bad.

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