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Posts posted by thret

  1. Just tried this in a 5 man game on VH, with almost no leaking I got up to 260 lives and this resulted in 119 fruits/595 points.

    I guess one interest and two periodic towers would work better than 4 pure light but I haven't tested that yet.

    This has got to be the simplest possible strategy?

  2. Well, it does work on VH. 83 Fruit kills.

    I used the extra fast setting to avoid nitmongering the early stages. I/I/L/N/L/N

    Start with two Eternals top right in the slow two-pass placement area, keep adding to stay around 50 lives until you get immortal then just upgrade. 10x Immortal will be fine until level 52 - and then you need 20+. By that stage you should have enough minerals (360k+) to fill the map and make four pure lights, so do that.

    You leak every round so interest income is not a problem.

    I guess better management would result in more lives to start the fruit round, I only had 100. I did afk frequently though :P

  3. It works in Very Hard setting also, here's a VH with 88 fruit 440 points.

    I guess if I knew exactly how much money required I could upgrade towers sooner, I overshoot the mark by a lot and needlessly sacrifice lives as a result.

    Also playing a short game, starting at level 16 - you start with 1k. If I play normal I only have slightly more than 1k by the end of level 15, so I guess the time saved is more than worth it.

    Element Tower Defense 88 Fruit 440 Points Very Hard.SC2Replay

  4. This is normal mode.

    Points: Interest, Interest, Light, Nature, Light, Nature, Light, Nature, Earth, Earth, Earth.

    Use the towers you can 100% sacrifice, build, upgrade, salvage each round. Build placeholder tier 1 before interest, upgrade after interest. In the middle island, make three of the +life towers and three light towers. Later upgrade two of the lights to pure. Once you get Earth make the N/E fungal type towers - and cover every single square on the map. About 1/6 upgrade to speed and the rest damage.

    I guess there is a max income cap, I didn't notice it going higher than 20991 income per round despite having over 1.5 mill banked.

    Also, I totally forgot to spend the last gas and so didn't get final upgrade until halfway through the fruit round.... lol. I guess 600+ is not hard if you don't mess up. I never came close to spending all the money.

    Note: you can scrap the +life towers during fruit round and replace.

    Note: there is an island top right, I hadn't noticed it before but don't forget to tower it up also.

    Note: light+nature +life towers are a must, even a maxed map will allow fruits to slip through. I do not know if there is a third element combo with better damage.

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