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Posts posted by Moriquendu

  1. Hey,

    I like the proposed change(s). My only concern is the Standard mode timer - as mentioned. It needs to be matched quite closely to prevent people getting bored while waiting.

    Other modes seem to be exactly what's needed. In Extreme Mode, make sure that Life Towers don't give lifes at all, or they give lives once per 9/6/3 kills always, as any gain is above the starting pool.

  2. Should we create new topics for 0.1 reports, or continue posting and updating the old ones? With a lot of changes, I'm not sure what would be more comfortable for you guys to read.


    I didn't want to spam with new topic, but are the "Tower Ideas" a closed thing, or you still accept suggestions for significant tower changes before the final release?

  3. Speed tower increases to a maximum of -0.33 attackspeed. 11%*20 should resolve out to be alot more than this with a base of 1, right?

    Means the tower is attacking 220% faster, which means 220% more attacks per second, which means 1 * (1 + 2.2) = 3.2 attacks per second, which means 1/3.2 = 0,3125 attacks per second.

    I don't know why it says 0,33 as you say, but it certainly shouldn't be "a lot more", so it seems correct

  4. No, it's actually attacking very fast (Every 1/256th of a second, or how much is the lowest "update" timer in StarCraft II. Hell, I am still Diablo II-minded). It starts lagging my PC and you can see healthbars going down, and animations firing, constantly, since the moment it first locked on it's target, till it's down. I didn't check the actual -number- there, but that's what makes it kill everything in a glimpse.

  5. the largest range is 3 times the shortest, so SC2 would be 18, not 16. and if you up ray range to 7 then max would be 21. Ill take a better look at the range deal, but I would base max and min off that 3x multiple.

    It's possible that "range 0" is not actually "0 range from the unit", but "the melee range of the unit". So it's not necessarily a direct *3, because of the constant factor

    (/\ pure guess, I don't know much about StarCraft editor and the actual settings, but I think it could be that way).

  6. Supply is probably occupied by Laser Tower (Laser Tower seems to take 6 supply), or it's upgrades.

    Celerity Tower and Velocity Tower attack incredibly fast, as if their passive "on attack" effect went off with no cooldown, not only on the actual attack.

    Game sitting at 61 is I think "intended", as in, ending not yet implemented

  7. I think that's how it's supposed to work; shooting the target it's locked on with a slow AoE projectile, which explodes at some point away from the tower. That's why it needs smart positioning.

    it seems underwhelming (at least on Very Hard), but I suppose it's just a matter or proper placement and micromanaging.

  8. I very like the idea of having a UI for selecting towers and placing them from Menu instead of builder.

    Maybe even placing basic Dual Element towers from some crafty menu, though it would probably be TOO comfortable with the -random rebuilding habit.

  9. I think the range on the usable ability of old "Tidal Tower" is too short and does not cover tower range. But I need to re-test it.

    It also misses some kind of "buff" or tooltip update, to reflect how many charges are actually accumulated - That would help a lot.

  10. First of all, I'm amazed by the detail of the various terrains. Really nice job done there.

    - My suggestion is to utilize more of this terrain. Many people play the game mostly on single-player, without the possiblity to choose the slot or color. Even if they play on multiplayer, it's usually not a full-house game. So after a while, everyone will have enough of the Jungle tileset for red player, and players Blue/Teal/Purple will be quite used to it as well. Other terrains will be very little 'inhabited', usually. So I'd like to ask if there's a possibility to randomize start locations. I'm totally not an expert in SC2 editor, so I don't know the effort required, but it would be a waste not to have people play on different tilesets and environment!

    - My other suggestion is, remove the water from the Blue / Protoss Jungle map. It looks nice, but it can be an FPS killer, if you got a weaker machine and Reflections on, especially with all the light sources (explosions, units) around in lategame. It also seemed to make units less visible.

    - The Zerg environment (player 8) looks awesome.

  11. Updated the first post with new findings, in short here:

    - Forge Tower casting buff on wrong units

    - Celerity Tower has no cooldown

    - Torrent Tower doesn't upgrade

    - Laser Tower takes 6 supply

    - Some waves ended prematurely as if I killed them, even if I didn't

    - I reached Level 62. I got a message I cleared level 60 when there were still 4 Raynors alive, I got into "level 61" where nothing came out, I killed the Raynors, and I advanced to level 62.

    Btw. I could volunteer to gather the bugs scattered all over the forums and sort them into fields of interest, severity, etc, if you will need something like that.

  12. Few bugs I have noticed within games I've played - Everything edited into the first post:

    EleTD v0.0


    - Laser Tower (the one with Interceptors) takes 6 supply. I suppose it's because of the interceptor units.

    - Forge Tower sometimes casts the damage buff on triggers, or environment units: screenshot

    - Torrent Tower and Nova Tower do not require Level 2 of any elements to be upgraded. These tower don't upgrade however, the buff for "Tower Upgrade Completed" stays on them, and the towers aren't swapped.

    - Celerity Tower and Disease Tower attacks with their "on attack" ability without cooldown, resulting in continuous usage of the passive ability on whoever the tower has "locked" on. Dozens of times per second.

    - Some towers show Armor icon, and it's blank: Laser Tower, Perpetual Tower, Plasma Tower

    - Tidal Tower does now show any icon or tooltip update to reflect the number of charges accumulated for the active ability. I also -think- that the range of the ability isn't covering the tower range (details about it's AoE are also missing from the tooltip)


    - Several Waves (example: 54) end up prematurely. "Moriquendu has cleared wave 54." even though more than 80% creeps were still alive. It happened to me occasionally on other waves, too (Non-illusion, non-undead waves, as well): screenshot

    - I reached Level 62. I got a message I cleared level 60 when there were still 4 Raynors alive, I got into "level 61" where nothing came out, I killed the Raynors, and I advanced to level 62.

    - Illusions spawned by all "Illusion" waves are under control of Player 1. They also have the ability to create another illusion, so player in control can use illusions indefinitely at the moment.

    - Illusions seem to deplete lives when they reach exit.


    - Typo in placeholder text on mouseover at difficulty choosing - It said 'diffuculty'

    - When I research interest rate for myself, the message seemed to be displayed to other players as well. They said it didn't actually affect their interest, though

    - Scoreboards were only visible for the Red player. Players on slots 2-8 couldn't see own scoreboards or scoreboards of other non-red players.

    - The "Terran City" tileset (For player Teal) has a lot of high buildings on the bottom edge, that kind of obscure view for the very bottom lane where creeps go. I know they turn transparent once you slide your camera over there, but it could be annoying if someone was trying to micro their towers selecting targets down there. But that's a minor issue.

    - The "Heat Ray" wave looks more like they were Darkness, but armor says "Fire". It just could be a little confusing, most of the times you could tell the element of the wave by just looking at it. Very minor as well.

    - Suggestion: I'm kind of missing the option to stay in the game once your lives count reaches 0. You only get a dialogue to click "Quit", and no possiblity to chat there. It would cool to be able to stay and chat/observe after being defeated. Also, towers of the defeated player didn't disappear for player Purple (I don't know if they did after I was 'gone').

    Overall, the game looks very... complete as for an alpha. Amazing work!

  13. I see the Facebook widget at the bottom of the forums now. I don't know if it was there earlier and I missed it, or you added it now, but nice job, seems to have helped a little :P

  14. I suppose you could put a facebook widget on the forum index page. Practically, not many of the "recently interested" (Me being one of them) people visit the main page, and even less scroll down to the bottom of it. Having the widget in a visible (not annoying, but visible) place in the forum as well, not only the main page, could help in spreading out the word :P

    That being said I have no facebook account, so I can't personally help with clicking it :P

  15. Hey,

    It feels weird to be registering just for alpha, even though I've been following for quite some time.

    Given I'm just done with Portal 2, I think I might just fit in... as a test subject :P

    Thumbs up for EleTD, the hope there will be at least one good TD in StarCraft II!


    Moriquendu #339 , EU

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