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Posts posted by maverck

  1. hopefully avoid getting randOOmed.. lol

    I could exempt -random players from the penalty, or at least reduce it.

    so you only lose the xp you've gained for that game. you can't level backwards by being awful? ok. fear 1 averted :P

    exempting random from penalty sounds like a great idea. encourages random play which means people explore more strategies because they can still gain xp even if they lose. +1 to this idea.

  2. Changelog:

    -Fixed Spore (EN) boomerang return error

    is this the thing where it would shoot off into space whenever it felt like it?

    if so, kudos.

    yes. it was an odd problem. i can't remember exactly. something to do with it not correctly reaching it's target point and losing it's direction.

  3. im not sure on the xp based on difficulty but

    banks loading all the time means the game will always load your xp/level. so you can use builder swap even if you are playing singleplayer. but you cannot earn xp in singleplayer.

  4. Cost = 500/1500/3000/5000 Minerals

    No stacking of disables/buffs/debuffs

    • Sleep builder for 1/3/5/7 seconds, 60 second CD
    • Slow builder by 1/2/3/4 movespeed for 30 seconds, 45 second CD
    • Slow tower attack speed by 15/30/60/120 percent for 15 seconds, 45 second CD
    • Disable tower for 2/4/6/8 seconds, 45 second CD
    • Passive increase interest rate by 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0 percent
    • Passive tower regeneration aura of 2/4/6/8 HP per second
    • Passive builder movespeed increase of 1.5/3/4.5/6
    • AoE tower damage of 50/100/200/400, 90 second CD
    • DoT tower damage of 125/250/500/1000 over 15 seconds, 90 second CD
    • Instant tower damage of 100/200/400/800, 90 second CD
    • Instant tower heal of 150/300/600/1200 HP, 90 second CD
    • AoE tower heal of 75/150/300/600 HP, 90 second CD
    • Steal 2/4/6/8 percent of current minerals from player, 60 second CD
    • Hide players UI for 1/3/5/7 seconds, 90 second CD
    • AoE creep heal of 10/20/30/40 percent, 90 second CD
    • Instant 5 chain creep heal of 15/60/240/960 HP, 15 second CD
    • 7 chain creep debuff immunity for 3/6/10/15 seconds, 30 second CD
    • Add (self)-Subtract (other) 100-200/200-400/400-800/800-1600 HP for 15 seconds, 45 second CD


    Wait, so your idea is to have towers have HP and you can damage/heal/kill them?

    How much HP would towers normally have?

    Couldn't you just resell damaged towers and remake them, or is the resell value now based on the % of HP a tower has?

    Also couldn't players just team up against someone, essentially giving them hell? If people do that, it can be pretty unfair and can ruin the experience for some players.

    damage is based off tower health in current build i think. towers have quite alot of hp, it would take many spells to destroy most towers

    and yea refund is based off tower hp

    the teaming up thing is something to consider

    maybe a player will have a "resistance", diminishing returns type thing where if everyone stacks their abilities on one player the spells become significantly weakened (dunno how the hell i'd implement this but it's an idea.)

  5. just so you know, i think chance should always be 100% for sounds, but.

    you can change it so they dont overlap as much

    obviously theres the max voice count destroy/mute

    but also Overlap Time Delta seems to affect this (lower value means more sounds overlapping)

    reducing the volume of annoying sounds would be a good way also

  6. so there was discussion about effects that happen when you lose.

    had a random idea of storing creeps that leak in a variable and then when you lose these creeps get randomly spawned on the tower building area with invincibility and significant damage.

  7. obtaining dps of towers would be tricky and depending on how it's implemented could skew balance badly (massive normalization for example)

    but it's an interesting idea.

    it'd be easy for most towers but some like flamethrower tower. very hard.

  8. fixed jinx

    fixed obliteration/annihilation

    fixed barb tooltip

    fixed vapor tower range

    rest i'll wait for kara on

    nova tower works fine for me?

    can you provide more information?

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