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Posts posted by DDRKirby(ISQ)

  1. you shouldn't always be able to win in random mode. it is good to reduce the chances of being utterly screwed (DD$$LL?) but i don't mind having impossible to win combinations. if you always wanted "good" combos, why not play AP?

    ...unless you want the fun of selling at 100%. Which brings up a good point, why not have AP with 100% sell? Maybe it'd be slightly silly and not as balanced, but I'd probably have fun with it, and I'm assuming (?) it's a really easy addition.

    it's funny because back in 4.0pb i would always rejoice when i finally got that lvl 1 element and could build 3 more triple support towers >_>

  2. i'd prefer a non-live draft. part of the fun was to try out a few different builds under the restrictions and then see what works/what doesn't, and have fun learning how to play a build that you might normally not play.

    also, I am way too rusty to do anything live =P

  3. 1. Vapor, Quaker, Tidal, Radius

    2. Disease, Hydro, Flame, Flamethrower

    vapor and radius are the only two that i would consider to be roughly the same (though even then radius has =slightly= more placement considerations). yes, all of these have the same basic underlying principle, but they're different enough in my mind not to be considered repetitive at all.

    likewise, i would consider all of the 2nd list to be "different enough".

    I guess i really don't see why it's so important to have differences in "underlying concept". To me similarities such as quaker/zealot and mushroom/magic (mentioned below) are much more striking.

    • Mushroom: Not only is this tower like Magic ("gets beefier every X seconds"), it also suffers from not working correctly with buffs (thus requiring an absurd tooltip). Upon typing this post I realized a way I can fix Magic (but not Mushroom) so that it does work with buffs perfectly. Thus, this is one ability we can do without.
    • Poison: This tower seems like the boring version of Ice. I think we can do better than to have two duals that are basically both shockwaves.
    • Quark: This tower suffers from the not working correctly with buffs problem. At least with Zealot, you can argue that Well makes it charge faster so it equals out. So it feels like Zealot but suffers from unfixable problems.
    • Vapor: We have enough AoE around the tower. Unlike the other ones, this is as bland as they come. I find this tower extremely boring too.
    • Disease: This tower suffers from its limited nature (only so many corpses). It has to be overpowered because it can't be massed. At the same time, it loses effectiveness fast. As graphically pleasing as the effect is, I think it has to go.
    • Flesh Golem: The idea of a traveling single target tower is not original (Oblivion). The teleport is cool looking. But, it is also bugged. Perhaps an Oblivion with only two minions at a time (to reduce micro intensity) would be a compromise that could eliminate the need for this tower.
    • Flamethrower: Suffers from similar problems to Disease. Perhaps if the Napalm effect stacked such that you could essentially charge up units to explode for massive damage, would the problems be alleviated. Though with the way it is coded now, that isn't possible. I can probably fix that, but is it worth keeping the concept?

    mushroom, poison, and quark i agree with. vapor is...pretty boring indeed. I forgot to mention you have the exact same concept for NOVA and vapor. I think that's a big deal, despite the different roles.

    i have never, NEVER liked flesh golem, but that's a personal bias =P

    out of all of the towers listed, i would prioritize in this order (top is the "worst"/most boring)





    disease is "bad" but for a different reason than being "boring" as you stated. flesh golem i just hate personally. and i dont think flamethrower is a priority.

    it's obvious the solution is to...



  4. the dota site layout is fine. front page is too cluttered though. i hate front pages that are like that.

    our forum is imho too sparse. maybe i missed something but the population/activity rate that we are at right now does not justify having this many subforums. Part of the reason i feel so unmotivated with this forum atm is because there are way too many places to check. Some of these subforums are definitely overdue for cleanup (3 topics and 30 posts in a subforum that has nothing to do with etd at all...?).

  5. Welcome back. Hope the hand is better (or will be soon). Looking forward to seeing you around more.

    sorry, it will definitely take awhile

    i dont think it's in danger of getting WORSE now, which is good.

    i'm doing physical therapy but srsly the only way to get well is through time, time ,time and lots of self-discipline. it's hard!

    as i feel more confident about recovery i may reintroduce some things to my life, such as internet forums and other not quite so demanding tasks. but i can guarantee you will not see me playing any TD, starcraft, etc for a looong time. (otherwise, someone shoot me as i should not be doing it)

    i took multiple rest breaks while writing this msg ;)

  6. eletd community leaders:

    I will be taking a short break from many internet activities for the next week or so. My RSI (wrist pain) has really been seriously acting up recently and I honestly need to crack down hard on it now or I might risk long term affects (never being able to play "kirby style" again!). i think the best way for me to do this is to seriously just limit my computer use to the bare minimum. yes, i do have workrave installed, but i need to do more than that.

    I plan to be back at the beginning of the month, especially if this goes well. just wanted to let you know before i disappear for a short while.


  7. It would be really nice to see creep class changes within 4.0, because they sort of represent balance and that's what 4.0 since PB was all about. So - as we didn't get a beta yet, I'd like to do a request:

    It would be nice to see a beta before the meeting, changing mech to 1 sec windwalk(invis and coll size 0, no speedboost as discussed in thread about that) 5 sec CD (4 sec rest)

    Also healing changed, upon taking damage heals 5% of dmg taken in a 100 AoE. Or as some argue would be better, 10%maxhp heal upon dying in a 150AoE. Perhaps put out 2 betas, one with upon death and one upon taking dmg?

    And if you like, make the fast wave have larger creep spacing. would be neat to try out (remember that these things are meant so that we can try before discussing, backs up theories alot, and such things are hard to tell without testing) double creepspacing of current perhaps?

    Am I underestimating the work and time that this takes to code? I know windwalk and such already exists but perhaps it takes alot of time anyway to give it to all mech units and such. But we have really discussed this enough in theory, to continue progress we need one or a few new betas.


  8. So i guess the best will be light eh? Thank you for your suggestions! :P

    BTW, i don't think it will be a great idea to put jinx tower in mass (of course it is good if you have a lot spread through out the map), but the chance is 33.3 %. it means that unless you are very unlucky, you will get that effect every 9 hits. Well, there is no harming putting a crazy load of them, but i mean like, we can add damage towers in between them.

    The point is that with more jinx towers, "every 9 hits" will come at even faster intervals, so ronalds will hardly move at ALL. Your main damage should be coming from pures/periodics, and lvl 2 triples maybe. Remember, Jinx towers do damage too!

  9. it's true that water+fire have the disadvantage of their splash not being as effective, but I always thought long range towers sucked for ronald.

    not sure which is the lesser of the two evils...

    you've got to have loads of money to make mass jinx viable. it's pretty awesome though. <3 jinx~

  10. i tried a couple of games in hard...And the most efficient build i find is a 6 element. U have support towers, slow towers and damage towers. If u go for interest, u have less towers (which means u can miss some really valuable towers) or get them all but low level.

    Anyway, i will keep trying with interest.

    oh yes. dont get me wrong--in 4.0PB the 6-element build is the most powerful one, and there really isn't that much reason to trade those element picks for interest picks since you're losing some very strong lvl 2 triple support towers if you do that. But if you're aiming to play something other than the most powerful build, to make things a little more interesting, then doing 2 or 3xinterest can be pretty fun ;)

    keep in mind though that i've been playing a different build where interest picks actually increase the interest rate by a bit more than in the 4.0PB...so i may be overestimating the validity of the builds.

  11. If you're playing alone (or against slow players), two or three interest to begin the game is still very possible.

    Indeed, just as sancdar and kirby say:

    Build non-elemental till lvl 30.


    5 - $

    10 - $

    15- ele


    25 - $

    30/35 - elements (the previous ones)...

    i can kind of understand wanting to get an element as your third pick so you have access to element arrow (more efficient), but I can't really see why getting another one at 20 is justified if you're planning on doing 3 interest picks. Ok, you're going to have to deal with 1 or 2 waves where you're gonna be forced to use super arrows, but that's not THAT bad, is it?

    I personally prefer to open $$$ before getting any elements, just because I feel like I'm "getting the most" out of the interest picks. It's true that the gold you spend temporary is less efficient, but I feel like the greater interest probably makes up for it--especially since most of the time you pretty much end up getting a full interest in between waves (when you should only have basic arrow towers around).

    However, if you're not feeling like building so many towers, then yeah, don't open $$$.

  12. you could provide a replay for us to analyze....

    most interest possible would be to use only arrows/cannons/elemental arrows/cannons until around wave 30, since they all sell for 100%. thus you can abuse the buy/sell tactic and gain more interest that way.

    just a matter of building fast ^_^

  13. yes, the increased difficulty is actually not THAT bad. i'm merely used to looking at "noleak" as being the ideal goal, rather than completion. the 4.0pb was definitely too easy though, for sure.

    i need to try more stuff before i can fully evaluate the latest beta.

    i dont think variable boost is the answer.

    i do feel like builds are more balanced now, and if anything i am happy with that.

  14. you' re not as alone as you may think....

    I haven't vocalized this quite as much, but i still think that since the creep hp increase things have been way too hard. I tried a VHAP game and even with save/load I didn't finish. Pures are weird now as I found that as soon as I got a pure + maxed support dual it owned everything so hard to the point where nothing else mattered.

    I don't understand why lvl 1 support triples were nerfed AGAIN to 6%, isn't this getting a little ridiculous? Yes I do appreciate that the 6-element build is no longer strongest (yay!) but really now...

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