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Posts posted by ImmolatusBurn

  1. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to implement a Pseudo-Random Distribution system for these towers, it would allow the average % to trigger to be the same, but would prevent outlying chances for strings of non-procing attacks.

  2. The speed settings such as Very Slow, Fast, Very Fast, etc are defined by game interface constants, they can't be changed while the game is running. There's also a single constant used for all the "Fast" attack and movement speeds, so you can't customize it for each unit. Due to this, your idea isn't possible.

  3. No, if you heard that rumor on the internet it HAS to be true.

    Everything on the internet is true.

    I would guess Garena would be the best private server to find EleTD games on, seeing as it had/has a "sponsorship" thingy with extra rooms for EleTD and such.

  4. Why?

    If you have fire and water this tower can cast fire spells and water spells...

    Like Flame Strike and Crushing Wave, if you have light it can cast Purge and so on.

    Because you said they are orb effects which would make only one active at a time, which would make getting one element much better.

  5. DotA uses the colors red and green, but the actual player slots are Neutral Victim and Neutral Extra, this allows the unused player slots to be observers (Since Neutral slots cannot be observers).

  6. If the neutral slots (Hostile, Passive, Victim, Extra) are not taken, shouldn't it be possible to make the computers use these slots? This would be similar to the way it is in DotA with Sentinel/Scourge taking neutral player slots.

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