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Guest Gra[V]33N

Hai hai

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Guest Gra[V]33N

Yay! Another newb has come to terrorize you all!


Well, one day I was playin on BNet, and other than Dota, I especially like TDs, so I join everything that looks good. That's how I got hooked on Element TD :P

I'm not really good at it, so far I've only tried Easy and below :P haven't played much this week since the school is piling on homework like retards

I'm good in Photoshop though. I'll mostly be active in the Graphic section :P

Anyway, yea..hi!

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nice to meet you. graphic center seems to be a bit off, maybe you can bring it upp again ^^

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Guest Gra[V]33N

Hoo-ha. *random phrase*

Okey-dokey, ima try.

Oh yea, some personal info:

I'm random


Mood swing-y


Yeah. :P Unless I'm pissed off. In which case I suddenly turn angry-polite rawrrawrrawr :P

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Guest Gra[V]33N

Yea, like this:

Dude. Seriously. Shut up or I will GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND EAT YOUR TOWELS AT NIGHT!! (lol) But seriously, stop talking crap. No one likes it. You'll make everyone hate you yadayadayadablablablablaroflolmao.


Oh, and add +random to angry-polite. XD


I made a userbar! Who wants it :P



Darn, I always forget BORDERS!! Fixed.

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