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Short Mode Idea

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Currently Short Mode starts you at lvl.16 with 1000 minerals and 3 gas. For anyone who knows how to income properly, they can easily get higher than 1000 minerals. I'd check how much I normally get, but I can't due to lack of memory for such a thing, and replay bug. Though honestly I'm getting tired of early levels of Element TD that I'm too lazy to play a game at this very moment to prove a point.

I have some ideas to improve Short Mode so that people who can interest properly get rewarded with shorter games without losing out on minerals, and new players don't get that advantage.

Once point/rewards system is up, experienced players should be able to start with slightly more minerals in Short Mode. Since we've played enough games (on perhaps a specific difficulty (VH?)), the game should recognize that we're capable of getting over 1000 minerals at lvl.16, and start us (experienced players) accordingly. Though I realize this provides an unfair advantage, I feel it's necessary, and it's not broken at all, and ironically more fair.

My other idea is for the game to record in our data bank our highest networth we've accomplished towards lvl.16 in a non-short mode game without leaking. Once it's stored, the next time we play a game on Short Mode, it'll start us off accordingly from our highest recorded networth. Of course this should only be relative to the level you were on, and for safety purposes only be used on Standard Mode.

Oh and just in case you somehow put yourself in a bad position after level 15 is over just to achieve that much more networth for short mode and you start leaking creeps afterwards, you have to stay leak free 5 or 10 levels after you completed level 15 for it to be recorded.

What do you guys think?

Oh yeah, and everything mentioned can all be applied to Extra Short Mode as well.

Edit: Added a screenshot to prove a point (I chose income first to achieve the networth).

Edit2: The game should save data based on variables like difficulty and whether or not income was chosen. If I was able to accumulate x amount of networth with interest before level 16, it should record it, same goes if I were to achieve that same goal without interest. The game should know how much minerals to give me based on data it records, and under the respective circumstances I've opted for.


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