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[Hall of Fame] The Great Ronald Hunt

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[\_/] The Great Ronald Hunt [\_/]

Current Update status:

Fixed some fast text, records can be submitted now. Will be better formatted, I would apreciate ideas on how.


Here you can compete with some of the best Ronald records in Element TD on certian modes. There can be special rules if something has been proven unbalanced and . But standard rules always apply.

Standards Rules:

- No Cheating [link]

- Latest version of Warcraft 3 [1.23]

- Latest official Map of Element TD [4.1]

- Only replays count, images does not [link]

Special Rules:

You may currently use short mode in all hunts. No other options are allowed.

Hunt modes:

- Mode 1 ,

All Pick, you may currently use all builds.

- Mode 2

All Random, using either all random or samerandom.


Mode 1






Mode 2







Please use the disscusion thread here.

And only post replays and records in this thread.

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Guest (BarneyIsGay)

Well here is my replay, 7 ronald kills, hope this works....my first upload :P

hehe, uh sorry about my name and name of replay, name= I was sleepy, Replay name= I was HAPPY, lol


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Sorry you Didn't use Very Hard.

P.S. it would be helpfull if I could edit inside others post's so I don't have to make a new one.

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