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How do I locate %chance based on damage?

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So, i was wondering how do I locate the % chance based on damage like drowning tower?

This is in GUI.

I just need how to i fix the % chance?

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Guest Sancdar

Drowning compares current HP and maximum HP to decide on the chance, so you'll need to get both of those. I know how to do it in JASS but not in the GUI :P

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Sorry, maybe I typed wrong.

I can calculate everything.

But I need to get it:

"X percent to run this trigger" sort of. Or should I just set it to "set "variable" random number 1-100" and the if %variable is bigger then "variable" then do "kill attacked unit"

Just saying. It wont be that exact? is there a better way to do this? If the % is 0,5 is will never trigger this way. I just need a bit help on locating that % that triggers the trigger.

Hope you get my point.

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Guest Sancdar

If you need tenths of a percent, just pick between 1 and 1000. You can get as much precision as you need. I don't think there's much call for things that happen less than 1% of the time though. As far as I know WC3 ladder abilities (crit, etc.) round to either the nearest 1% or 5%. I think back when the Chaos Knight in DotA had a 1% crit for 11x damage it could never activate because crits rounded to the nearest 5%. Maybe that's changed now.

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