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Guest ginc

LFNE build / replay and strats for medium-difficulty builds

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Guest ginc

LFNE can be a tricky build without some planning ahead and interest abuse. There are harder builds to do, but like most medium difficulty builds, people usually run into trouble in waves 50-60 due to a lack of damage. In particular, waves 55 and 56 can leak a ton if you're lacking damage, and even if you survive, wave 60 will likely finish you off.

The combination of Quaker and Nova makes this build rather easy in the midgame. The problem is that the endgame requires high damage single-target towers, because Nova and Flame don't provide quite enough slowing. Why single-target? Waves 55 and 60 heal quickly enough to break through a supernova/earthshaker combo, and sometimes on wave 56 you just need to cut your losses, target half the creeps and let the others leak.

The build doesn't give you any early options for strong single-target towers, and your late game options are Fungus towers or Pure element towers, which can be had at wave 50 (or 55) and 52 respectively. Saving up enough money for either one is difficult too, since you can't neglect the support towers (nova/flame/enchantment/blacksmith) at all. And of course, you NEED those damage towers before wave 55 starts.

Personally, I've found that taking an interest increase at wave 5 helps immensely in these kinds of builds. It gives you fewer options as far as level 3 double towers go, but makes it much easier to save up enough to get a Pure element tower before wave 55, and a second one before wave 60.

In this replay, the build order is +LFNENFLENF.

Setup / strats:

- nova and quakers at 5

- enchantments at 9/6 (three of them will cover just about an entire wave)

- one flame each at 8, 9, 4 and 3

- mushroom towers as a transition to quaker and enchantment

- pure nature towers at 9, built just before waves 55 and 60

- sun towers before wave 56 for the super awesome 60% slow (decent damage too)

Damage: 80ish ronalds (83 I think). Having 40 lives left over plus 2 pure nature towers lets you kill 2/3 of the ronalds while letting the others leak.


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